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Direct access: 罪悪 , 在庫 , 罪業 , 財産 , 材質 , 在職 , 在住 , 財政 , 在宅 , 財団


pronunciation: zaiaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: crime , religion
translation: crime, sin
罪悪を犯す: zaiakuookasu: commit a sin <<<
罪悪感: zaiakukan: (sense of ) guilt <<<


pronunciation: zaiko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: business
translation: stock
在庫が有る: zaikogaaru: be in a stock, have in stock <<<
在庫が無い: zaikoganai: be out of stock <<<
在庫を調べる: zaikooshiraberu: take stock <<< 調
在庫調べ: zaikoshirabe: stocktaking, inventory <<< 棚卸
在庫整理: zaikoseiri <<< 整理
在庫品: zaikohin: stocks, goods in stock <<<
在庫商品: zaikoshouhin <<< 商品
在庫中: zaikochuu: in stock <<<
在庫一掃: zaikoissou: clearance sale
在庫変動: zaikohendou: change in inventory [stock], inventory change <<< 変動
synonyms: ストック


pronunciation: zaigou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: sin, iniquity
罪業の深い: zaigounohukai: sinful <<<
罪業を重ねる: zaigouokasaneru: commit many sins <<<


pronunciation: zaisan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: realty , finance
translation: fortune, wealth, property, richness, asset
財産を残す: zaisannonokosu: leave [bequeath] a fortune <<<
財産を作る: zaisannotsukuru: make a fortune <<<
財産を継ぐ: zaisannotsugu: inherit [succeed to] a fortune <<<
財産権: zaisanken: property right <<<
財産家: zaisanka: wealthy person, rich (person) <<<
財産税: zaisanzei: property tax <<<
財産勘定: zaisankanjou: assets and liabilities account <<< 勘定
財産譲渡: zaisanjouto: conveyance of estate <<< 譲渡
財産相続: zaisansouzoku: succession to a property <<< 相続
財産管理: zaisankanri: property management <<< 管理
特定財産: tokuteizaisan: specific property <<< 特定
皇室財産: koushitsuzaisan: imperial estate <<< 皇室
相続財産: souzokuzaisan: an inheritance, heritage, inherited property <<< 相続
公共財産: koukyouzaisan: public property [heritage] <<< 公共
共有財産: kyouyuuzaisan: common property <<< 共有
保有財産: hoyuuzaisan: tenement, property <<< 保有
私有財産: shiyuuzaisan: private property <<< 私有
生命財産: seimeizaisan: life and property <<< 生命
信託財産: shintakuzaisan: estate in trust <<< 信託
related words: 資産


pronunciation: zaishitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: material
translation: quality of the material


pronunciation: zaishoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job
translation: holding the post
在職する: zaishokusuru: hold office [a post], be in office
在職中: zaishokuchuu: during one's tenure of office <<<
在職期限: zaishokukigen: length of one's service <<< 期限


pronunciation: zaijuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: dwelling, residence
在住する: zaijuusuru: live, reside (at, in)
在住者: zaijuusha: dweller, resident, inhabitant <<<
synonyms: 居住 , 在留


pronunciation: zaisei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , politics
translation: finances, financial affairs
財政の: zaiseino: financial, economic, fiscal
財政的に: zaiseitekinino: financially <<<
財政が豊か: zaiseigayutaka: well off, in good financial circumstances [conditions] <<<
財政が困難: zaiseigakonnnan: badly off, in financial difficulties [trouble] <<< 困難
財政難: zaiseinan: financial difficulties [straits] <<<
財政家: zaiseika: financier <<<
財政学: zaiseigaku: science of finance, public finance <<<
財政援助: zaiseienjo: financial aid <<< 援助
財政改革: zaiseikaikaku: fiscal reform <<< 改革
財政危機: zaiseikiki: financial crisis <<< 危機
財政年度: zaiseinendo: fiscal year <<< 年度
財政支出: zaiseishishutsu: financial expenditure <<< 支出
財政状態: zaiseijoutai: financial conditions <<< 状態
財政政策: zaiseiseisaku: financial [fiscal] policy <<< 政策
財政投資: zaiseitoushi: financial investments <<< 投資
赤字財政: akajizaisei: red-ink [deficit] finance <<< 赤字
都市財政: toshizaisei: municipal finance <<< 都市
健全財政: kenzensaisei: sound finance, balanced budget <<< 健全


pronunciation: zaitaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: house
translation: being at home
在宅の: zaitakuno: at home
在宅する: zaitakusuru: be at home
在宅日: zaitakubi: one's at-home day <<<
在宅勤務: zaitakukinmu: telework, teleworking <<< 勤務


pronunciation: zaidan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: administration
translation: foundation
財団法人: zaidanhoujin: foundational juridical person <<< 法人

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