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Direct access: 拉麺 , 来意 , 雷雨 , 来月 , 来週 , 雷神 , 来世 , 来日 , 来年 , 来訪


pronunciation: raamen
kanji characters:
other spells: ラーメン
keyword: food
translation: Chinese noodles soup
拉麺屋: raamennya: booth of Chinese noodles soup <<<
冷し拉麺: hiyashiraamen: cold Chinese noodles <<<
インスタント拉麺: insutantoraamen: instant Chinese noodles soup <<< インスタント
カップ拉麺: kappuraamen: Chinese noodles cup <<< カップ


pronunciation: raii
kanji characters: ,
translation: purpose of visit
来意を告げる: raiiotsugeru: tell what one has come for <<<


pronunciation: raiu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: weather
translation: thunderstorm, thundershower
雷雨に遭う: raiuniau: be overtaken by a thunderstorm [thundershower] <<<
雷雨に襲われる: raiuniosowareru <<<
雷雨を孕んだ: raiuoharanda: thundery <<<
雷雨模様の: raiumoyouno <<< 模様
雷雨が来る: raiugakuru: A thunderstorm is approaching <<<
雷雨が去る: raiugasaru: The thunderstorm passes <<<


pronunciation: raigetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: next month
来月の今日: raigetsunokyou: this day next month <<< 今日
再来月: saraigetsu: the month after next <<<
related words: 先月


pronunciation: raishuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: next week
来週に: raishuuni: in next [the following] week
来週の今日: raishuunokyou: this day next week <<< 今日
来週の月曜: raishuunogetsuyou: next Monday <<< 月曜
再来週: saraishuu: the week after next <<<
再来週の今日: saraishuunokyou: two weeks (from) today <<< 今日
related words: 先週


pronunciation: raijin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: god of thunder


pronunciation: raise
kanji characters: ,
keyword: religion
translation: next [other] world, world beyond
来世を信じる: raiseoshinjiru: believe in the life after death <<<


pronunciation: rainichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: geography
translation: visiting Japan
来日する: rainichisuru: come to Japan, visit Japan
来日中: rainichichuu: during one's visit in Japan <<<
related words: 日本


pronunciation: rainen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: next [the coming] year
来年の今日: rainennnokyou: this day next year <<< 今日
来年の今頃: rainennnoimagoro: about this time next year
来年の三月: rainennnosangatsu: next March <<< 三月
来年度の: rainendono: for next [the coming] year <<<
再来年: sarainen: the year after next <<<
antonyms: 去年
related words: 今年


pronunciation: raihou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: visit (n.)
来訪する: raihousuru: visit (v.), call (on a person, at a person's house)
来訪を受ける: raihououkeru: receive a visit <<<
来訪者: raihousha: visitor, caller (at) <<<
来訪者が有る: raihoushagaaru: have visitors [a visitor] <<<
synonyms: 訪問

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