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category: to learn in school
keyword: sport , airplane
Number of strokes: 9
translation: fly, jump, launch
飛ぶ: tobu: fly, jump
飛ばす: tobasu: let fly, blow off, splash, launch
飛び上がる: tobiagaru: fly up [aloft], soar, spring [jump] up, jump to one's feet <<<
飛び歩く: tobiaruku: run about, romp <<<
飛び起きる: tobiokiru: jump out of bed, start up, spring to one's feet <<<
飛び降りる: tobioriru: jump [leap] down <<<
飛び掛かる: tobikakaru: spring [leap, rush] up, fly at, throw [fling] oneself upon <<<
飛び付く: tobitsuku: fly [jump] at, jump up to <<<
飛び越える: tobikoeru: jump [leap, spring, vault] over, fly across <<<
飛び込む: tobikomu: jump [spring, leap, plunge] in [into], rush [dash, run] in, dive into, fly into <<<
飛び出す: tobidasu: jump [fly] out, run [rush, burst] out, project, protrude <<<
飛び立つ: tobitatsu: fly away [off], take wing, take off <<<
飛び乗る: tobinoru: jump upon (a horse), jump into (a train, a bus), hop (a train) <<<
飛び跳ねる: tobihaneru: hop, jump up and down, romp (about) <<<
飛び回る: tobimawaru: fly [jump] about, romp about, hustle [bustle, rush] about, busy oneself <<<
飛び散る: tobichiru: fly about [off] (in different directions), scatter, splash <<<
飛んで来る: tondekuru: come running <<<
飛ぶ様に: tobuyouni: swiftly, like the wind <<<
飛ぶ様に売れる: tobuyouniureru: sell like hot cakes
飛ぶ鳥も落とす勢い: tobutorimootosuikioi: at the zenith [summit] of one's power [prosperity]
飛んで火に入いる夏の虫: tondehiniirunatsunomushi: like a moth flying into the flame.
Kanji words: 飛翔 , 飛魚 , 飛躍 , 飛切 , 飛沫 , 飛脚 , 飛龍 , 飛車 , 飛行 , 飛蝗
Expressions: 売り飛ばす , 突き飛ばす , 鳩を飛ばす , 跳ね飛ばす , 蹴飛ばす , 檄を飛ばす , 叱り飛ばす , 吹き飛ばす , 鳴かず飛ばず , 撥ね飛ばす , 笑い飛ばす , 空を飛ぶ , 飛び道具 , 飛沫を飛ばす , 野次を飛ばす , 冗談を飛ばす , ヒューズが飛ぶ , ギャグを飛ばす , デマを飛ばす
synonyms: , ジャンプ

category: common usage
keyword: airplane
Number of strokes: 15
translation: fall, come [go] down
墜ちる: ochiru
Kanji words: 撃墜 , 墜落

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