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category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 6
translation: tongue
zetsu, setsu
舌: shita: tongue, reed, clapper
舌の: shitano: lingual
舌の先: shitanosaki: tip of the tongue <<<
舌が荒れる: shitagaareru: One's tongue is sore <<<
舌が回る: shitagamawaru: have a long tongue, wag one's tongue <<<
舌が回らない: shitagamawanarai: be inarticulate, be unable to speak distinctly, speak with lips <<<
舌を出す: shitaodasu: put [stick] out the tongue <<<
舌をだらりと垂らす: shitaodararitotarasu: loll out the tongue <<<
舌を噛む: shitaokamu: bite one's tongue <<<
舌を鳴らす: shitaonarasu: clack the tongue <<<
舌を巻く: shitaomaku: marvel (at), be speechless with admiration <<<
舌を滑らす: shitaosuberasu: make a mistake (speaking error), make a slip (of the tongue), misspeak (oneself) <<<
舌足らずの: shitatarazuno: tongue-tied, short and sweet <<<
Kanji words: 百舌 , 舌打
Expressions: 猫の舌 , 舌平目 , 二枚舌 , 二枚舌の

category: to learn in school
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 7
translation: disorganize, demoralize, corrupt, disturb, agitate, dishevel, disorder, disturbance
ran, ron
乱れ: midare: disorder, disturbance
乱れる: midareru: go out of order [control], be confused, become disorganized, fall into disorder [confusion], lose one's wits, be demoralized, be lax (in morals), be disheveled, be disturbed, be chaotic
乱す: midasu: put out of order, put into disorder, throw into confusion, disorganize, demoralize, corrupt, disturb, agitate, dishevel
乱める: osameru: govern (conf.), rule [reign] over, manage, pacify, suppress (an uprising) <<<
Kanji words: 散乱 , 反乱 , 淫乱 , 乱闘 , 乱交 , 波乱 , 混乱 , 乱視 , 内乱 , 乱暴 , 錯乱
Expressions: 振り乱す , 列を乱す , 取り乱す , 秩序を乱す , 乱気流 , 乱開発 , 足並を乱す , 行列を乱す , 公安を乱す , 治安を乱す , 雰囲気を乱す , 風紀を乱す , モラルを乱す , ペースを乱す , スパルタカスの乱

category: to learn in school
keyword: grammar
Number of strokes: 13
translation: refuse, decline, resign, word (bor.), speech, expression
辞する: jisuru: resign, take one's leave of, say good-bye (to a person)
辞を低くして: jiohikukushite: humbly, politely <<<
辞を低うして: jiohikuushite <<<
辞: kotoba: speech, expression, word <<< 言葉
辞る: kotowaru: refuse, decline <<<
辞める: yameru: resign, give up <<<
Kanji words: 辞退 , 御辞儀 , 弔辞 , 御世辞 , 辞書 , 辞職 , 辞典 , 辞任 , 賛辞 , 祝辞 , 辞令
Expressions: 務めを辞める , 職を辞める , 俳優を辞める , 告別の辞 , 接尾辞 , 接頭辞 , 学校を辞める , 就任の辞 , 仕事を辞める , 閉会の辞 , 大臣を辞める , 会社を辞める , 巻頭の辞 , 開会の辞 , 送別の辞 , 称賛の辞

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 15
translation: spread, shop (ext.)
舗く: shiku: spread <<< ,
舗なる: tsuranaru: be linked, be connected <<< ,
舗: mise: shop (where goods are spread) <<<
Kanji words: 老舗 , 店舗

category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 10
translation: lick (from gesture of animals to their kids), lap, suck, taste, cuddle
shi, ji
舐める: nameru: lick, lap, suck, taste

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