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Direct access: , , , 姿 , , , , , ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: business
Number of strokes: 6
translation: peace, peaceful, tranquil, calm, why (bor.)
安い: yasui: peaceful, quiet, calm, cheap (jp.)
安んじる: yasunjiru: soothe, quiet (vt.), calm, be contented [satisfied] (with), rest assured, be at ease [rest]
安くんぞ: izukunzo: why
安く: yasuku: cheap, at a low price, at a bargain
安くする: yasukusuru: lower [drop] the price
安く売る: yasukuuru: sell (a thing) cheap, undercut <<<
安く買う: yasukukau: buy [get] (a thing) cheap <<<
安く見る: yasukumiru: underestimate, underrate, undervalue <<<
安く成る: yasukunaru: become cheaper, go down (in price), fall <<<
安っぽい: yasuppoi: cheap, tawdry, flashy, flippant, sleazy
安らぎ: yasuragi: tranquility, serenity, peace, calmness
安らぐ: yasuragu: calm down
安らかな: yasurakana: peaceful, tranquil, calm, free from anxiety [care]
安らかに: yasurakani: peacefully, tranquilly, calmly
安んじて: yasunjite: contentedly, in contentment, trustingly, at ease, in peace
安かろう悪かろう: yasukarouwarukarou: cheap and nasty <<<
Kanji words: 安易 , 目安 , 安堵 , 保安 , 安心 , 円安 , 安楽 , 安息 , 安否 , 安住 , 格安 , 安価 , 安置 , 気安い , 慰安 , 公安 , 治安 , 安全 , 安物 , 安定 , 不安
Expressions: 腐り安い , 値の安い , 読み安い , 心安い , 反動安 , 飛切安い , 金利が安い , 値段が安い , ドル安 , ストップ安

category: to learn in school
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 8
translation: wife
妻: tsuma: wife, side dish (jp.)
妻わす: meawasu: marry (vt.)
妻にする: tsumanisuru: take a wife, wed (a woman) <<< 結婚
妻に迎える: tsumanimukaeru <<<
妻を娶る: tsumaometoru: marry, take [have] a wife
Kanji words: 愛妻 , 人妻 , 妻子 , 切妻 , 稲妻
Expressions: 愛する妻 , 最愛の妻
related words: 家内

category: to learn in school
keyword: job
Number of strokes: 8
translation: entrust, versed
委ねる: yudaneru: entrust
委しい: kuwashii: well-informed, versed <<< ,
委に: tsubusani: minutely <<<
委: sue: end <<<
委てる: suteru: give up, abandon <<<
Kanji words: 委員 , 委託 , 委任


category: to learn in school
keyword: shape
Number of strokes: 9
translation: form, figure, shape, pose, aspect
姿: sugata: form, figure, shape, pose, aspect
姿が良い: sugatagaii, sugatagayoi: have a good figure <<<
姿を現す: sugataoarawasu: appear, make one's appearance, come in sight, show [present] oneself, turn [show] up, egress (v.) <<<
姿を隠す: sugataokakusu: disappear, vanish (out of sight), hide oneself <<<
姿を消す: sugataokesu <<<
姿を変える: sugataokaeru: disguise oneself (as) <<<
Kanji words: 姿勢 , 容姿
Expressions: 花嫁姿の , ユニホーム姿の , ユニホーム姿で

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 6
translation: scatterbrained, thoughtless
mou, bou
妄り: midari: scatterbrain
妄りに: midarini: scatterbrained, without reason
Kanji words: 妄想

category: common usage
keyword: crime
Number of strokes: 9
translation: threaten, menace, intimidate
威し: takeshi: strong, brave <<<
威す: odosu: threaten, menace (v.), intimidate, terrify
威し: odoshi: threat, menace (n.), intimidation, bluff
Kanji words: 権威 , 威信 , 威力 , 脅威 , 威厳 , 猛威

category: common usage
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 11
translation: grandmother, old woman
婆: baba
Kanji words: 転婆 , 阿婆擦 , 湯婆 , 娑婆
Expressions: 皺くちゃ婆

category: JIS1
keyword: love
Number of strokes: 8
translation: kept mistress, concubine, maid, me (for woman)
妾: mekake: kept mistress, concubine
妾: koshimoto: maid (anc.)
妾: warawa: me (for woman, anc.) <<<

category: JIS1
keyword: sex
Number of strokes: 9
translation: lie, falsehood, indecent, obscene, lewd
kan, ken
姦り: itsuwari: lie, falsehood <<< ,
姦: midara: indecent, obscene, lewd <<< ,
姦しい: kashimashii: noisy (jp.), clamorous <<<
Kanji words: 強姦 , 姦通 , 獣姦

category: JIS2
keyword: family
Number of strokes: 8
translation: mother-in-law
姑: shuutome
姑: oba: aunt <<< 叔母
姑く: shibaraku: for a while, for some time <<<

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