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category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 7
translation: foot, leg, sufficient (bor.), enough
soku, shoku, suu
足: ashi: foot, leg, limb, paw, step, pace
足の裏: ashinoura: sole of a foot <<<
足の甲: ashinokou: instep <<<
足の指: ashinoyubi: toe <<<
足を組む: ashiokumu: cross one's legs <<<
足を伸ばす: ashionobasu: stretch one's legs <<<
足が速い: ashigahayai: be swift of foot, be a fast walker <<<
足が遅い: ashigaosoi: be slow of foot, be a slow walker <<<
足が付く: ashigatsuku: give a clue to the police <<<
足を洗う: ashioarau: wash one's feet, quit a life of shame <<<
足を出す: ashiodasu: cannot make both ends meet <<<
足りる: tariru: be sufficient, enough
足る: taru
足す: tasu: add <<<
足しに成る: tashininaru: help (v.), be useful <<<
足しにする: tashinisuru: supply, supplement
足: taru, tari, nari, mitsu, yuki: pers.
Kanji words: 足算 , 発足 , 一足 , 足跡 , 補足 , 足下 , 遠足 , 足袋 , 足並 , 足腰 , 片足 , 足台 , 百足 , 足音 , 足首 , 差足 , 不足 , 満足 , 素足 , 裸足 , 土足 , 足場 , 手足 , 揚足 , 足枷 , 駈足
Expressions: 事足りる , 二の足 , 急ぎ足で , 舌足らずの , 物足りない , 猫の足 , 賞するに足る , 驚くに足りない , 驚くに足らず , 飽き足らない , 未だ足りない , 用を足す , 誉めるに足る , 頼むに足らぬ , 考えの足りない , 忍び足で , 継ぎ足す , 言うに足らぬ , 配慮が足りない , 気合が足りない , 修行が足りない , 足の小指 , 大根足 , 資金が足りない , 一本足の , 睡眠が足りない , 無駄足 , 人手が足りない , 足が達者 , 千鳥足 , 千鳥足の , 苦労の足りない , 工夫が足りない , 扁平足 , 時間が足りない , 蝋燭足チャート , 理解が足りない , 足の親指 , 注意が足りない
related words: ,

category: to learn in school
keyword: road
Number of strokes: 13
translation: way, street, road
路: ji
路: michi
Kanji words: 姫路 , 岐路 , 線路 , 経路 , 路地 , 回路 , 末路 , 路面 , 航路 , 波路 , 道路 , 針路 , 路上 , 通路 , 水路 , 小路 , 路線
Expressions: 放水路 , 迂回路 , 補給路 , 航空路 , 滑走路 , 直航路 , 競走路 , 十字路 , 供給路 , 交通路

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 12
translation: spur, separate (conf.)
距: kezume: spur
距たる: hedataru: part, separate <<<
距う: tagau: be different, differ <<<
Kanji words: 距離

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: trace, track, remains, chase
seki, shaku
跡: ato: trace, track, remains
跡を付ける: atootsukeru: shadow (a person), trail <<<
跡を追う: atooou: follow (a person), chase, trail <<<
跡を継ぐ: atootsugu: succeed to [take over] (a person's business), succeed (a person), inherit <<<
Kanji words: 遺跡 , 傷跡 , 足跡 , 軌跡 , 跡取 , 痕跡 , 奇跡 , 跡目
Expressions: 蹄の跡 , 火傷の跡 , 蝸牛の跡

category: common usage
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 13
translation: jump, leap, spring, skip, fly, dance
chou, tou
跳ぶ: tobu: jump, fly <<<
跳る: odoru: jump, skip, dance (v.) <<< ,
跳ねる: haneru: jump, leap, spring
跳ね上がる: haneagaru: spring [jump, leap] up, shoot up <<<
跳ね上げる: haneageru: splash [sputter] mud <<<
跳ね起きる: haneokiru: spring to one's feet, rise with a bounce, spring up from one's bed <<<
跳ね飛ばす: hanetobasu: send (a person, a thing) flying, spatter (mud), knock (a person) off <<<
跳ね除ける: hanenokeru: push [thrust, brush] aside <<<
跳ね付ける: hanetsukeru: refuse, turn down, reject <<<
跳ね回る: hanemawaru: romp [skip, jump, leap] about, gambol <<<
Kanji words: 跳躍 , 縄跳
Expressions: 飛び跳ねる , 片足で跳ぶ
synonyms: , ジャンプ

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 13
translation: step, tread, stamp, trample
sen, zen
践む: humu: step [tread] on, stamp, trample
Kanji words: 実践
synonyms: ,

category: common usage
keyword: dance
Number of strokes: 14
translation: jump, fly, dance
踊る: odoru: jump, fly, dance (v.) <<< ,
踊り: odori: dance (n.)
Kanji words: 踊場 , 踊子
Expressions: タンゴを踊る , ワルツを踊る
synonyms: ダンス

category: common usage
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 15
translation: step, trample, go through, visit
踏む: humu: step [tread] on, go through, finish, value [estimate] (a thing), visit
踏まえる: humaeru: trample, consider
踏み荒す: humiarasu: trample down, ravage <<<
踏み替える: humikaeru: change step <<<
踏み固める: humikatameru: tread [stamp] down <<<
踏み切る: humikiru: step out of the ring, take off, make a bold start, take a plunge <<< , 踏切
踏み砕く: humikudaku: trample (a thing) to pieces <<<
踏み消す: humikesu: stamp [tread] out (the fire) <<<
踏み越える: humikoeru: step over (a thing) <<<
踏み込む: humikomu: step into, rush [break] into, trespass (on), make a raid (in, into) <<<
踏み倒す: humitaosu: trample down, bilk (a debt, a bill) <<<
踏み出す: humidasu: step forward, advance <<<
踏み付ける: humitsukeru: stamp down, stomp, tread on, insult <<< , 侮辱
踏ん付ける: hunZukeru <<<
踏み潰す: humitsubusu: smash (a thing) by treading on it <<<
踏み躙る: huminijiru: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏み外す: humihazusu: miss one's foot, lose one's footing <<<
踏み止まる: humitodomaru: remain, stand [hold] one's ground (against), make a stand (against), remain [stay] in office <<<
踏み均す: huminarasu: level (the earth) by treading down <<<
踏み鳴らす: huminarasu: stamp one's feet, tread heavily <<<
踏み躙る: huminijiru: trample [tread] (a thing) underfoot
踏んだり蹴ったり: hundarikettari: be treated like a dog, have insult added to injury <<<
Kanji words: 踏台 , 踏切 , 雑踏
Expressions: 轍を踏む , 猫踏んじゃった , 韻を踏む , 韻を踏んだ , 鞴を踏む , 舞台を踏む , 手続を踏む , アクセルを踏む , ペダルを踏む , ステップを踏む
synonyms: ,

category: common usage
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 19
translation: kick
shuu, shiu, shuku
蹴る: keru: kick (v.), give a kick
蹴飛ばす: ketobasu: kick away [off] <<<
Expressions: 踏んだり蹴ったり , 向う脛を蹴る
synonyms: キック

category: common usage
keyword: sport
Number of strokes: 21
translation: jump, fly, dance
躍る: odoru: jump, fly, dance
Kanji words: 暗躍 , 飛躍 , 活躍 , 躍進 , 跳躍
related words: ,

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