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Direct access: 通関 , 展望 , 到達 , 到着 , 到来 , 渡航 , 途中 , 徒歩 , 道標 , 名残


pronunciation: tsuukan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: (custom) clearance
通関する: tsuukansuru: pass the customs
通関手続: tsuukantetsuZuki: customs formalities, clearance <<< 手続
通関申告: tsuukanshinkoku: custom declaration <<< 申告


pronunciation: tenbou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: view (n.), survey (n.), outlook, command, vista, panorama
展望する: tenbousuru: view (v.), survey (v.), look over
展望を妨げる: tenbouosamatageru: obstruct [spoil] the view <<<
展望が利く: tenbougakiku: command a fine view <<<
展望台: tenboudai: observatory, belvedere <<<
展望車: tenbousha: observation car <<<
展望塔: tenboutou: observation tower <<<
synonyms: 見晴 , パノラマ


pronunciation: toutatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: arrival
到達する: toutatsusuru: arrive, reach, attain
到達港: toutatsukou: port of destination <<<
到達局: toutatsukyoku: office of destination <<<
related words: 到着


pronunciation: touchaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: arrival, coming
到着する: touchakusuru: arrive, come
到着順に: touchakujunnni: in order of arrival <<<
到着駅: touchakueki: arrival station <<<
到着港: touchakukou: port of arrival (destination) <<<
到着時刻: touchakujikoku: arrival time <<< 時刻
到着ホーム: touchakuhoomu: arrival plat-form <<< ホーム
無事に到着する: bujinitouchakusuru: arrive safely, reach in good condition [order] <<< 無事
related words: 出発


pronunciation: tourai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: arrival
到来する: touraisuru: come, arrive
到来物: touraimono: present, gift <<< , 贈物
好機到来: koukitourai: Now's chance <<< 好機
related words: 到着


pronunciation: tokou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: voyage (to oversea), passage
渡航する: tokousuru: make a voyage [passage] (to oversea), go over (to)
渡航者: tokousha: passenger <<<
related words: 旅行


pronunciation: tochuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: halfway
途中で: tochuude: on the way
途中下車: tochuugesha: stopover <<< 下車
途中下車する: tochuugeshasuru: stop over, break one's journey
下校の途中で: gekounotochuude: on one's way from school <<< 下校
帰宅の途中で: kitakunotochuude: on one's way home <<< 帰宅
登校の途中で: toukounotochuude: on one's way to school <<< 登校


pronunciation: toho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: walking
徒歩で: tohode: on foot
徒歩の: tohono: pedestrian (a.)
徒歩で行く: tohodeiku: go on foot, walk <<<
徒歩者: tohosha: pedestrian (n.), walker <<<
徒歩旅行: tohoryokou: walking tour, hike <<< 旅行
徒歩旅行者: tohoryokousha: walking tourist <<<
徒歩競走: tohokyousou: walking race <<< 競走


pronunciation: douhyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel
translation: guidepost, signpost, milestone


pronunciation: nagori
kanji characters: ,
keyword: travel , history
translation: traces, remains, vestiges, separation of persons, farewells
名残惜しむ: nagorioshimu: be sorry to part from (a person) <<<
synonyms: 痕跡

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