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Direct access: 民衆 , 民俗 , 目上 , 目下 , 友愛 , 融和 , 連帯


pronunciation: minshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: people, masses
民衆の: minshuuno: popular, folksy, demotic
民衆の敵: minshuunoteki: enemy of the people <<<
民衆芸術: minshuugeijutsu: folk art <<< 芸術
民衆心理: minshuushinri: mass psychology <<< 心理
民衆大会: minshuutaikai: moot, people's assembly, popular assembly, public meeting <<< 大会
related words: 大衆


pronunciation: minzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: folkways, folk customs
民俗学: minzokugaku: folklore, ethnology <<<
民俗学者: minzokugakusha: folklorist, ethnologist <<< 学者
related words: 民族


pronunciation: meue
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: superior (n.), elder, senior
目上の: meueno: superior (a.), elder, senior
目上の者: meuenomono: one's superiors [betters], one's senior <<<
synonyms: 年上 , 上司
antonyms: 目下


pronunciation: meshita
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: inferior (n.), subordinate, junior
目下の: meshitano: inferior (a.), subordinate, subaltern
目下の者: meshitanomono: one's inferiors [subordinates], one's junior <<<
synonyms: 年少 ,
antonyms: 目上


pronunciation: yuuai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: friendship, fellowship, fraternity
友愛結婚: yuuaikekkon: companionate marriage <<< 結婚


pronunciation: yuuwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: melting, reconciliation, understanding, harmony
融和する: yuuwasuru: melt, harmonize, live in harmony, make peace with (a person), be reconciled (with)
related words: 和解 , 調和


pronunciation: rentai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: society
translation: solidarity
連帯の: rentaino: joint, collective
連帯で: rentaide: jointly (and severally)
連帯感: rentaikan: feeling of solidarity <<<
連帯債務: rentaisaimu: joint debt <<< 債務
連帯責任: rentaisekinin: joint responsibility <<< 責任
連帯保証: rentaihoshou: cosignatory act, joint guarantee <<< 保証
連帯保証人: rentaihoshounin: joint surety <<<
related words: 集団

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