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Direct access: 長男 , 連合い , 亭主 , 転婆 , 年上 , 年下 , 同士 , 同族 , 独身 , 仲良し


pronunciation: chounan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: the eldest [oldest] son [brother]
related words: 次男 , 長女


pronunciation: tsureai
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 連れ合い
keyword: family
translation: one's husband, one's wife, one's spouse
related words: ,


pronunciation: teishu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: husband, master, host, landlord
亭主持ち: teishumochi: married woman <<<
亭主役: teishuyaku: host <<<
亭主役を務める: teishuyakuotsutomeru: play the host <<<
related words: 主人


pronunciation: tenba
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: tomboy, hussy, minx
御転婆: otenba <<<
御転婆な: otenbana: romping, hoydenish


pronunciation: toshiue
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: elder (n.), senior, seniority
年上の: toshiueno: elder (a.), old, big
related words: 目上 , 年下


pronunciation: toshishita
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: junior (n.)
年下の: toshishitano: junior (a.), young
related words: 年上 , 年少 , 目下


pronunciation: doushi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 同志
keyword: family
translation: comrades, confederates, like-minded people
同士討ち: doushiuchi: fight [quarrel] among friends, internal strife <<<
男同士: otokodoushi: man to man <<<
女同士: onnnadoushi: woman to woman <<<
好き同士: sukidoushi: love couple, pair of lovers <<<
恋人同士: koibitodoushi: couple of lovers <<< 恋人
仲間同士: nakamadoushi: among friends <<< 仲間
related words: 仲間


pronunciation: douzoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , chemistry
translation: the same family [tribe], homology
同族の: douzokuno: of the same family, homologous
同族体: douzokutai: homologue <<<
同族会社: douzokugaisha: family partnership <<< 会社
同族結婚: douzokukekkon: endogamy <<< 結婚


pronunciation: dokushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , life
translation: bachelorhood, spinsterhood, celibacy
独身の: dokushinnno: unmarried, single, bachelor, celibate
独身で暮らす: dokushindekurasu: live (remain) single <<<
独身を通す: dokushinnotoosu: remain single (unmarried) for life <<<
独身者: dokushinsha: unmarried person, bachelor, spinster, old maid <<<
独身生活: dokushinseikatsu: single life <<< 生活
独身主義: dokushinshugi: bachelorism, old-maidism <<< 主義
related words: 結婚


pronunciation: nakayoshi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 仲好し
keyword: family , love
translation: bosom [close, great] friend, chum
仲良しの: nakayoshino: on good terms
仲良しに成る: nakayoshininaru: make friends (with), get on good terms (with) <<<
related words: 友人 , 親友

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