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category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: steep, dip, immerse
漬す: hitasu: steep [dip] (a thing dip), moisten (a thing with) <<<
漬ける: tsukeru: pickle, salt, vinegar, soak (in), steep (in), immerse (in)
漬かる: tsukaru: be steeped [soaked] (in), be flooded (with water), be well seasoned
Kanji words: 漬物 , 茶漬 , 塩漬
Expressions: 墨を漬ける , 塩に漬ける , 塩漬けにする , 漬物を漬ける , 辣韭漬 , 山葵漬 , 砂糖漬けの , 砂糖漬けにする , 辛子漬 , 沢庵漬け , 味噌漬け , マリネ漬 , マリネ漬にする , アルコール漬けにする

category: common usage
keyword: cereal
Number of strokes: 14
translation: rice
稲: ine
稲: ina
稲を刈る: ineokaru: harvest [reap] the rice <<<
Kanji words: 稲荷 , 稲光 , 稲妻 , 早稲 , 稲子

category: common usage
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 14
translation: meet (by chance), encounter
遭う: au: meet with (an accident), encounter, be caught in, undergo, be exposed to, suffer
Kanji words: 遭難 , 遭遇
Expressions: 雨に遭う , 嵐に遭う , 天災に遭う , 盗難に遭う , 火事に遭う , 掏摸に遭う , 洪水に遭う , 雷雨に遭う , 災難に遭う , 神隠しに遭う , 夕立に遭う , 震災に遭う , 事故に遭う , 俄雨に遭う , 泥棒に遭う , 通り雨に遭う
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 14
translation: net, seine, netting
網: ami
網に掛かる: aminikakaru: be caught in a net, fall into the clutches <<<
網を編む: amioamu: make a net <<<
網を打つ: amioutsu: cast a net <<<
網を上げる: amioageru: haul [draw] in a net <<<
網を引く: amiohiku: draw a net (ashore) <<<
網を張る: amioharu: set [spread, put up] a net, spread a dragnet, lie in wait <<<
網の目: aminome: meshes of a net <<<
Kanji words: 網膜 , 網戸
Expressions: 捜査網 , 組織網 , 諜報網 , 放送網 , 昆虫採集網 , 鉄道網 , 通信網 , 道路網 , 供給網 , 販売網 , 交通網 , レーダー網 , スパイ網 , レース網 , レース網をする , 網シャツ , 網タイツ
synonyms: ネット

category: common usage
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 14
translation: ink, black (conf.), dark
墨: sumi: ink stick, (India, China) ink
墨い: kurai: dark, obscure <<<
墨い: kuroi: black <<<
墨で書く: sumidekaku: write in Indian [Chinese] ink <<<
墨を磨る: sumiosuru: rub an ink stick <<<
墨を付ける: sumiotsukeru: smear with ink <<<
墨を漬ける: sumiotsukeru: dip in ink <<<
墨を吐く: sumiohaku: spurt the ink <<<
Kanji words: 靴墨 , 墨絵 , 水墨 , 眉墨
Expressions: 烏賊の墨
synonyms: インク
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 14
translation: line, rope, cord, cable
綱: tsuna
綱を張る: tsunaoharu: stretch a rope <<<
Kanji words: 要綱 , 大綱 , 手綱 , 横綱 , 綱引 , 艫綱
Expressions: 犬の綱 , 頼みの綱 , 干物綱 , クロム綱
synonyms: ケーブル , ロープ
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 14
translation: porcupine, strong (bor.), excellent, manly, Australia (pref.)
gou, kou
豪: yamaarashi: porcupine <<< 山荒
Kanji words: 剣豪 , 富豪 , 豪華 , 豪邸 , 強豪 , 豪雨 , 豪快 , 豪語 , 豪州 , 豪傑
Expressions: 豪ドル
synonyms: オーストラリア

category: common usage
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 14
translation: swear, vow, pledge, pawn, oath
誓う: chikau: swear, vow (v.), pledge, pawn
誓って: chikatte: upon my honor, I swear (that, to do)
誓い: chikai: oath, vow (n.), pledge
誓いを守る: chikaiomamoru: keep one's vow [oath, pledge] <<<
誓いを破る: chikaioyaburu: break one's vow [oath, pledge] <<<
誓いを立てる: chikaiotateru: swear an oath <<<
Expressions: 秘密を誓う , 忠誠を誓う

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hate, detest
zou, sou
憎む: nikumu: hate (v.), detest, have a hatred for
憎むべき: nikumubeki: hateful, detestable, abominable
憎しみ: nikushimi: hate (n.), hatred, spite
憎い: nikui: hateful, detestable, abominable, difficult (jp.)
憎らしい: nikurashii: hateful, detestable, abominable, irritating (jp.)
Kanji words: 憎悪 , 生憎 , 愛憎
Expressions: 心憎い

category: common usage
keyword: calendar
Number of strokes: 14
translation: calendar, almanac
reki, ryaku
暦: koyomi: calendar, almanac <<< カレンダー
暦: kazu: number <<<
暦: toshi: year, age <<< ,
Kanji words: 西暦 , 還暦
Expressions: 万年暦 , 学年暦 , 太陽暦 , マヤ暦

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