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Direct access: 真下 , 真近 , 真中 , 目前 , 行方 , 横向 , 両側


pronunciation: mashita
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: right [just] under [below]
真下に: mashitani: right [just] under [below], directly below
antonyms: 真上


pronunciation: maJika
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: very near, close [immediate] proximity
真近に: maJikani: near by
真近に迫る: maJikanisemaru: be close [bear] at hand, be just around the corner <<<


pronunciation: mannnaka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 真ん中
keyword: position
translation: middle (n.), center, heart
真中の: mannnakano: middle (a.), central
真中に: mannnakani: (right) in the center [middle, heart], halfway (between)
真中で: mannnakade
道の真中で: michinomannnakade: in the middle of the road <<<
related words: 中央 , センター


pronunciation: mokuzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: immediacy, imminence, imminency
目前の: mokuzennno: impeding, immediate, imminent
目前に: mokuzennni: under [before] one's eye, under one's very nose
目前に迫る: mokuzennnisemaru: be close [near] at hand, hang over (one) <<<


pronunciation: yukue
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: whereabouts
行方を追う: yukueoou: trace, search for (a person) <<<
行方を捜す: yukueosagasu <<<
行方を暗ます: yukueokuramasu: disappear, cover one's traces, conceal oneself <<<
行方不明: yukuehumei: lost <<< 不明
行方不明者: yukuehumeisha: missing person <<<
synonyms: 居所


pronunciation: yokomuki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: sideways position
横向の: yokomukino: sideways
横向の写真: yokomukinoshashin: photograph in profile <<< 写真
横向にする: yokomukinisuru: turn sideways
横向に成る: yokomukininaru: sit sideways <<<


pronunciation: ryougawa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: both sides, either side
両側に: ryougawani: on both sides [either side]
antonyms: 片側

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