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Direct access: 何処 , 内外 , 内面 , 南北 , 八方 , 場所 , 方位 , 方向 , 方々 , 真上


pronunciation: doko
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: where, which place
何処へ: dokoe: to where
何処に: dokoni: where, to where
何処に居ますか: dokoniimasuka: Where are you? <<<
何処から: dokokara: from where
何処からか: dokokaraka: from somewhere
何処から来ましたか: dokokarakimashitaka: Where are you from? <<<
何処から見ても: dokokaramitemo: in all respects, in every respect <<<
何処でも: dokodemo: in any place, wherever, everywhere
何処にも: dokonimo
何処まで: dokomade: how far, where
何処までも: dokomademo: wherever, everywhere
何処と無く: dokotonaku: anyhow, somehow <<<
何処ですか: dokodesuka: Where is it?
駅は何処ですか: ekihadokodesuka: Where is the station? <<<
便所は何処ですか: benjohadokodesuka: Where can I wash my hands? <<< 便所
トイレットは何処ですか: toirettohadokodesuka: Where is the restroom [washroom, toilet]? <<< トイレット
related words: 場所


pronunciation: naigai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: inside and outside, about, some, or so, or thereabouts, around
内外の: naigaino: internal and external, home and foreign
内外の情勢: naigainojousei: internal and external state of affairs <<< 情勢
内外に: naigaini: within and without, inside and outside, at home and abroad


pronunciation: naimen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: inside (n.), interior
内面の: naimennno: internal, inside (a.), inner
内面的: naimenteki <<<
内面的に: naimentekini: internally
内面考察: naimenkousatsu: introspection <<< 考察
内面生活: naimenseikatsu: one's inner life <<< 生活
内面描写: naimenbyousha: inner description <<< 描写


pronunciation: nanboku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: history , position
translation: North and South
南北朝: nanbokuchou: Northern and Southern Dynasties (in Japan and China) <<<
南北時代: nanbokuchoujidai: Northern and Southern Courts period (1336-1392 in Japan, 439-589 in China) <<< 時代
南北戦争: nanbokusensou: American Civil War <<< 戦争 , 内戦
南北問題: nanbokumondai: North-South problem <<< 問題
東西南北: touzainanboku: cardinal points <<< 東西
related words: 東西


pronunciation: happou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: all directions, every side, all sides
八方に: happouni: in all directions, on every side, on all sides
八方から: happoukara: from all sides
八方塞: happouhusagari: complete mess, everything goes wrong <<<
八方美人: happoubijin: everybody's friend <<< 美人
八方尾根: happouone: Happo (a Japanese ski resort) <<< 尾根
四方八方: shihouhappou <<< 四方
related words:


pronunciation: basho
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , martial art
translation: place, spot, position, situation, location, scene, seat, site
場所が良い: bashogaii, bashogayoi: be well located [situated] <<<
場所が悪い: bashogawarui: be badly located [situated] <<<
場所を取る: bashootoru: occupy much room [space], keep a place <<<
場所を塞ぐ: bashoohusagu: take up much room [space] <<<
場所を空ける: bashooakeru: make room, clear space <<<
場所割り: bashowari: allocation of places <<<
居場所: ibasho: whereabout <<<
初場所: hatsubasho: new year sumo tournament <<<
春場所: harubasho: spring sumo tournament <<<
夏場所: natsubasho: summer sumo tournament <<<
秋場所: akibasho: fall sumo tournament <<<
本場所: honbasho: official sumo tournament <<<
集合場所: shuugoubasho: meeting place <<< 集合
会合場所: kaigoubasho: place of meeting, rendezvous <<< 会合
申合せた場所: moushiawasetabasho: appointed place <<< 申合せ
任意の場所: ninninobasho: any place <<< 任意
格好な場所: kakkounabasho: appropriate place <<< 格好
synonyms: 位置
related words: 相撲 ,


pronunciation: houi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: direction, bearing, orientation
方位角: houikaku: azimuth angle <<<
方位測定: houisokutei: bearing <<< 測定
方位測定器: houisokuteiki: bearing compass <<<
方位を測定する: houiosokuteisuru: take a bearing <<< 測定
related words: 方角 , 方向


pronunciation: houkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position , transport
translation: direction, course, vector
方向舵: houkouda: rudder <<<
方向板: houkouban: destination label [plate] <<<
方向感覚: houkoukankaku: sense of direction <<< 感覚
方向音痴: houkouonchi: lack of direction sense <<< 音痴
方向転換: houkoutenkan: change of direction, turn <<< 転換
方向転換する: houkoutenkansuru: change one's course, reorient
方向を変える: houkouokaeru <<<
方向を転じる: houkouotenjiru <<<
方向指示器: houkoushijiki: direction [traffic] indicator, trafficator, winker, blinker
方向探知機: houkoutanchiki: direction finder, radar
逆方向: gyakuhoukou: opposite direction <<<
逆方向に: gyakuhoukouni: in the opposite direction
行進方向: koushinhoukou: direction of march, route <<< 行進
進行方向: shinkouhoukou: direction of progress <<< 進行
synonyms: 方角
related words: ベクトル


pronunciation: houbou
kanji characters:
other spells: 方方
keyword: position
translation: here and there, far and near, at different quarters, in all directions
方々に: houbouni
方々で: houboude
方々から: houboukara: from all directions
方々へ: houboue: to all directions


pronunciation: maue
kanji characters: ,
keyword: position
translation: right [just] above position
真上に: maueni: right [just] above [over, upon]
antonyms: 真下

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