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Direct access: 判決 , 罰金 , 火炙 , 被告 , 弁論 , 法相 , 法廷 , 法務 , 保釈 , 捕縛


pronunciation: hanketsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: (judicial) decision, judgment, sentence
判決する: hanketsusuru: decide [give a decision, pass judgment] (on a case)
判決を下す: hanketsuokudasu <<<
判決に服する: hanketsunihukusuru: accept the decision <<<
判決を覆す: hanketsuokutsugaesu: reverse a decision <<<
判決文: hanketsubun: text of a decision <<<
判決例: hanketsurei: judicial precedent <<<
判決理由: hanketsuriyuu: reasons for the judgment <<< 理由
無罪判決: muzaihanketsu: verdict of not guilty <<< 無罪
確定判決: kakuteihanketsu: irrevocable judgment <<< 確定
related words: 裁判


pronunciation: bakkin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: fine (n.), penalty
罰金を課する: bakkinnokasuru: fine (v.), amerce, impose a fine <<<
罰金で済む: bakkindesumu: get off with a fine <<<
罰金刑: bakkinkei: amercement <<<


pronunciation: hiaburi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 火焙
keyword: justice
translation: stake, fire and faggot
火炙の刑に処せられる: hiaburinokeinishoserareru: be burned at the stake
火炙に成る: hiaburininaru <<<
火炙にする: hiaburinisuru: burn sb. at the stake


pronunciation: hikoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: accused, defendant
被告席: hikokuseki: bar <<<
被告弁護人: hikokubengonin: counsel for the defense [accused]
被告代理人: hikokudairinin: defendant's representative
刑事被告: keijihikoku: accused, culprit <<< 刑事


pronunciation: benron
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: discussion, argument, debate (n.), pleading
弁論する: benronsuru: discuss, argue, debate (v.), plead
弁論部: benronbu: debating society <<<
弁論大会: benrontaikai: oratorical [speech] contest <<< 大会
口頭弁論: koutoubenron: oral pleadings <<< 口頭
最終弁論: saishuubenron: final [concluding] argument <<< 最終


pronunciation: houshou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: Minister of Justice, Attorney General (in USA)


pronunciation: houtei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: court of justice, (law) court, bar
法廷で争う: houteidearasou: go to law (against a person), litigate (a question) <<<
法廷に立つ: houteinitatsu: stand at the bar <<<
法廷に出る: houteinideru <<<
法廷侮辱罪: houteibujokuzai: contempt of court


pronunciation: houmu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: legal affairs
法務省: houmushou: Ministry of Justice <<<
法務大臣: houmudaijin: Minister of Justice, Attorney General (in US) <<< 大臣 , 法相


pronunciation: hoshaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: bail, bailment
保釈する: hoshakusuru: release (a person) on bail
保釈される: hoshakusareru: be released on bail
保釈中: hoshakuchuu: on bail <<<
保釈金: hoshakukin: bail money <<<
保釈人: hoshakunin: parolee <<<


pronunciation: hobaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: justice
translation: arrest (n.)
捕縛する: hobakusuru: arrest (v.)
synonyms: 逮捕

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