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Direct access: 指導 , 指南 , 修業 , 修士 , 習字 , 習得 , 出席 , 出願 , 初級 , 職員


pronunciation: shidou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education , politics
translation: guidance, leadership, leading
指導する: shidousuru: direct, lead, coach (v.), guide (v.)
指導者: shidousha: leader, coach (n.), guide (n.), captain <<<
指導員: shidouin: instructor, coach <<<
指導力: shidouryoku: leadership ability <<<
指導原理: shidougenri: guiding principle <<< 原理
指導方針: shidouhoushin <<< 方針
学習指導: gakushuushidou: study guidance <<< 学習
行政指導: gyouseishidou: administrative guidance <<< 行政
職業指導: shokugyoushidou: vocational training <<< 職業
保健指導: hokenshidou: hygienic guidance <<< 保健
related words: リード , リーダー


pronunciation: shinan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: teaching, instruction
指南する: shinansuru: teach, instruct, give lessons (in)


pronunciation: shuugyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: study (n.), learning
修業する: shuugyousuru: study (v.), pursue one's studies, get one's education, complete a course of study
修業期間: shuugyoukikan: school years <<< 期間
修業証書: shuugyoushousho: certificate of a completion of the study course <<< 証書


pronunciation: shuushi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: master
修士号: shuushigou: master's degree <<<
修士課程: shuushikatei: master's course <<< 課程
修士論文: shuushironbun: master's thesis <<< 論文
related words: 学士 , 博士


pronunciation: shuuji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: penmanship, calligraphy
習字をする: shuujiosuru: practice handwriting
習字帳: shuujichou: copybook <<<
related words: 書道


pronunciation: shuutoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: acquirement
習得する: shuutokusuru: master, learn, acquire (a skill in)


pronunciation: shusseki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: presence, attendance
出席する: shussekisuru: be present, attend
出席を取る: shussekiotoru: call the roll [names] <<<
出席簿: shussekibo: roll book <<< 簿
出席表: shussekihyou: table of attendance <<<
出席者: shussekisha: person present, those present, attendance <<<
出席数: shussekisuu: attendance <<<
出席率: shussekiritsu: percentage of attendance <<<
出席日数: shussekinissuu: number of attendances, days attended <<< 日数
皆出席: minashusseki: complete attendance <<<
講義に出席する: kouginishussekisuru: attend [be present at] a lecture <<< 講義
学会に出席する: gakkainishussekisuru: attend the congress <<< 学会
礼拝に出席する: reihainishussekisuru: attend a service <<< 礼拝
related words: 欠席 , 出勤


pronunciation: shutsugan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: application
出願する: shutsugansuru: apply [make an application] (for)
出願者: shutsugansha: applicant (for) <<<
出願期限: shutsugankigen: time limit for application <<< 期限
出願期日: shutsugankijitsu <<< 期日


pronunciation: shokyuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: education
translation: first [beginner's] class
初級の: shokyuuno: elementary, basic
初級向きの: shokyuumukino: for beginners <<<
初級文法: shokyuubunpou: basic grammar <<< 文法
related words: 入門


pronunciation: shokuin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: job , education
translation: staff, personnel
職員室: shokuinshitsu: teachers' room, staff room <<<
職員録: shokuinroku: list of government officials, staff list <<<
職員会議: shokuinkaigi: teachers' meeting <<< 会議
職員組合: shokuinkumiai: teachers' federation [union] <<< 組合
女職員: onnnashokuin: female staff <<<
有給職員: yuukyuushokuin: staff member on the payroll <<< 有給
幹部職員: kanbushokuin: officials in responsible posts <<< 幹部

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