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Direct access: 年利 , 反動 , 引き上 , 不況 , 不振 , 物価 , 貿易 , 名目 , 免税 , 予算


pronunciation: nenri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy , finance
translation: annual interest, rate per annum
年利五分: nenrigobu: annual interest of five percent


pronunciation: handou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , economy
translation: reaction
反動で: handoude: as a reaction
反動する: handousuru
反動的な: handoutekina: reactionary (a.) <<<
反動高: handoudaka: rise by reaction <<<
反動安: handouyasu: fall by reaction <<<
反動思想: handoushisou: reactionary idea <<< 思想
反動主義: handoushugi: reaction, reactionary doctrine (principle) <<< 主義
反動主義者: handoushugisha: reactionary (n.), reactionist <<<
related words: 反発


pronunciation: hikiage
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 引き揚
keyword: war , economy
translation: salvage, repatriation, evacuation, raising (of prices)
引き上る: hikiageru: pull [draw] up, salvage, withdraw (from), leave (a place), be repatriated (from), raise [hike] (the price)


pronunciation: hukyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: (business) depression, recession, slump
不況の: hukyouno: depressed, dull
不況の時代: hukyounojidai: depression days, hard times <<< 時代
不況対策: hukyoutaisaku: anti-depression policy, anti-recession measures <<< 対策
構造不況: kouzouhukyou: structural crisis <<< 構造


pronunciation: hushin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: sport , economy
translation: dullness, inactivity, depression
不振な: hushinnna: inactive, depressive, slack, in slump, out of form
食欲不振: shokuyokuhushin: loss [lack] of appetite, anorexia <<< 食欲
related words: 不調 , スランプ


pronunciation: bukka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , economy
translation: prices (of commodities)
物価が上がる: bukkagaagaru: Prices rise (go up) <<<
物価が下がる: bukkagasagaru: Prices fall (go down) <<<
物価高: bukkadaka: high prices of commodities <<<
物価水準: bukkasuijun: price level <<< 水準
物価指数: bukkashisuu: price index <<< 指数
物価騰貴: bukkatouki: rise in prices
物価下落: bukkageraku: fall in prices <<< 下落
物価政策: bukaseisaku: prices policy <<< 政策
物価対策: bukkataisaku <<< 対策
物価調整: bukkachousei: price control <<< 調整
related words: 価格


pronunciation: boueki
kanji characters: 貿 ,
keyword: business , economy
translation: (international) trade
貿易する: bouekisuru: trade (v.)
貿易風: bouekihuu: trade wind, monsoon <<<
貿易港: bouekikou: trade port <<<
貿易品: bouekihin: trade goods <<<
貿易商: bouekishou: trader <<<
貿易業者: bouekigyousha <<< 業者
貿易商会: bouekishoukai: trading firm <<< 商会
貿易収支: bouekishuushi: trade balance <<< 収支
貿易黒字: bouekikuroji: trade surplus <<< 黒字
貿易協定: bouekikyoutei: trade agreement <<< 協定
貿易戦争: bouekisensou: trade war <<< 戦争
民間貿易: minkanboueki: private foreign trade <<< 民間
外国貿易: gaikokuboueki: foreign trade <<< 外国
通過貿易: tsuukaboueki: transit trade <<< 通過
三角貿易: sankakuboueki: triple trade <<< 三角
国際貿易: kokusaiboueki: international trade <<< 国際
間接貿易: kansetsuboueki: indirect trade <<< 間接
保護貿易: hogoboueki: protected [protective] trade <<< 保護
沿岸貿易: enganboueki: coastal trade <<< 沿岸
中継貿易: chuukeiboueki: intermediate (transit) trade <<< 中継
海外貿易: kaigaiboueki: overseas [foreign] trade <<< 海外
中間貿易: chuukanboueki: intermediate trade <<< 中間
自由貿易: jiyuuboueki: free trade <<< 自由


pronunciation: meimoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: title, name, pretext
名目上の: meimokujouno: nominal, in name only, pretext <<<
名目賃金: meimokuchingin: nominal wages <<< 賃金


pronunciation: menzei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: economy
translation: tax-exemption, duty-free
免税にする: menzeinisuru: exempt from taxation
免税品: menzeihin: tax-exempt [duty-free] article <<<
免税店: menzeiten: duty-free shop <<<
免税点: menzeiten: tax exemption limit <<<


pronunciation: yosan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: finance , economy
translation: budget
予算を組む: yosannokumu: make (draw up) a budget <<<
予算を立てる: yosannotateru <<<
予算が狂う: yosangakuruu: One's estimates go wrong <<<
予算が無い: yosanganai: have no budget <<<
予算外の: yosangaino: outside the budget <<<
予算案: yosannan: (proposed) budget <<<
予算超過: yosanchouka: excess over the estimates <<< 超過
予算不足: yosanbusoku: budget deficit <<< 不足
予算審議: yosanshingi: budget deliberation <<< 審議
総予算: souyosan: total (over-all) budget <<<
赤字予算: akajiyosan: unbalanced budget <<< 赤字
外貨予算: gaikayosan: foreign exchange budget <<< 外貨
追加予算: tsuikayosan: supplementary budget <<< 追加
暫定予算: zanteiyosan: provisional budget <<< 暫定
防衛予算: boueiyosan: (national) defense budget <<< 防衛
年間予算: nenkannyosan: annual budget <<< 年間
当初予算: toushoyosan: original budget <<< 当初
補正予算: hoseiyosan: supplementary [revised] budget <<< 補正
修正予算: shuuseiyosan: revised budget <<< 修正

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