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category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 10
translation: lick (from gesture of animals to their kids), lap, suck, taste, cuddle
shi, ji
舐める: nameru: lick, lap, suck, taste

category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 10
translation: slaver, drivel, slobber
sen, zen, en
涎: yodare
涎を垂らす: yodareotarasu: drivel, slaver, salivate, run at the mouth, be envious (of) <<<
涎が出る: yodaregaderu <<<
涎が出そうな: yodaregadesouna: appetizing, tempting <<<
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 10
translation: hold [keep] in one's mouth, bring up, nurse, taste
哺む: hukumu: hold [keep] in one's mouth <<<
哺くむ: hagukumu: bring up, nurse <<<
Kanji words: 哺乳

category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 11
translation: greedy, covetous
don, tan, ton
貪る: musaboru: covet, be greedy (of, for), be covetous
貪り食う: musaborikuu: eat greedily [voraciously], devour, eat like a wolf <<<
Kanji words: 貪欲
Expressions: 暴利を貪る

category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 12
translation: roast, broil, toast
hou, hai
焙る: aburu: roast, broil, toast, heat, warm, dry
Kanji words: 焙煎
related words:

category: JIS2
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 17
translation: finely cut strips of raw fish or meat
膾: namasu: with vinegar seasoned hors d'oeuvre (jp.)

category: JIS2
other spells: 薫
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 18
translation: smoke, smolder, fumigate
燻ぶる: kusuburu: smoke, smolder, become sooty [black], simmer
燻べる: kusuberu: smoke, smolder
燻む: kusumu: become dull, tarnish
燻んだ: kusunda: somber, dull, dark, sober
燻す: ibusu: smoke, fumigate, oxidize
燻した: ibushita: smoked, fumigated, oxidized
燻し: ibushi: fumigation
燻しを掛ける: ibushiokakeru: subdue a luster by fumigation, oxidize <<<
燻る: iburu: smolder, smoke, be smoky

category: JIS2, only in Japanese
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 19
translation: Japanese noodle, wheat vermicelli
饂: udon
Kanji words: 饂飩

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