Japanese display
Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7
Direct access: 実話 , 叙述 , 叙情 , 戦記 , 全集 , 前編 , 創作 , 即興 , 対象 , 短歌


pronunciation: jitsuwa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: true story, non-fiction
実話小説: jitsuwashousetsu: non-fiction novel <<< 小説


pronunciation: jojutsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: description, narration
叙述的: jojutsuteki: descriptive, narrative <<<
叙述する: jojutsusuru: describe, narrate, depict, delineate


pronunciation: jojou
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 抒情
keyword: literature
translation: lyricism
叙情性: jojousei <<<
叙情的: jojouteki: lyric, lyrical <<<
叙情詩: jojoushi: lyric poem, lyric poetry <<<
叙情詩人: jojoushijin: lyric poet, lyricist <<< 詩人


pronunciation: senki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: war , literature
translation: record [account] of war
戦記物: senkimono <<<


pronunciation: zenshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: complete works
全集物: zenshuumono: complete works series <<<


pronunciation: zenpen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: prequel, backplay, the first part [volume] of the preceding section


pronunciation: sousaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: creation, original work, novel, story
創作する: sousakusuru: create, invent, write a novel [story]
創作的: sousakuteki: constructive, creative, imaginative <<<
創作家: sousakuka: writer, author, novelist <<<
創作力: sousakuryoku: creative power [talent], originality <<<
創作意欲: sousakuiyoku: creative will <<< 意欲
related words: 小説


pronunciation: sokkyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: improvisation
即興の: sokkyouno: improvised, impromptu (a.), offhand, ad-lib
即興で: sokkyoude: impromptu (adv.), offhand, ad-lib
即興曲: sokkyoukyoku: impromptu music <<<
即興詩: sokkyoushi: impromptu poem <<<
即興詩人: sokkyoushijin: improvisator <<< 詩人


pronunciation: taishou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature
translation: object (of an action)
対象的: taishouteki: objective <<<
課税対象: kazaitaishou: taxables <<< 課税
実験対象: jikkentaishou: experimental object <<< 実験


pronunciation: tanka
kanji characters: ,
keyword: literature , japan
translation: 31-syllable Japanese poem, tanka
related words: 和歌

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