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category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 8
translation: severe, strict, meticulous, pedantic, tease, maltreat, bully, torment, worry
苛い: karai: severe, strict <<<
苛かい: komakai: close, strict, exact, meticulous, pedantic
苛め: ijime: maltreatment, bullying
苛める: ijimeru: tease, maltreat, bully, torment, worry
苛む: sainamu: torture, torment, harass
Kanji words: 苛々
Expressions: 責め苛む

Number of strokes: 8
translation: big ear lobe (orig.), addict, indulge
耽: hukeru: be addicted [given, taken] to , addict [give] oneself to, indulge in
Expressions: 遊び耽る , 思いに耽る , 奢りに耽る , 読み耽る , 読書に耽る , 瞑想に耽る , 妄想に耽る , 想像に耽る , 夢想に耽る , 幻想に耽る , 追憶に耽る , 思い出に耽る , 空想に耽る , 享楽に耽る , 快楽に耽る , 感慨に耽る

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 8
translation: be frightened [sacred], cower, recoil, flinch, shrink, wince
怯える: obieru: be frightened [scared] (at), have a nightmare
怯えさせる: obiesaseru: frighten, scare, daunting, intimidating
怯ける: ojikeru: be frightened [scared] (at), grow timid, get into a funk, cower, shrink [recoil] (from) <<<
怯む: hirumu: flinch (from), shrink (from), wince (under, at), lose heart (at), be overpowered (by)
Kanji words: 卑怯

category: JIS1
keyword: fantasy
Number of strokes: 8
translation: curse, imprecation
ju, shuu
呪い: majinai: magic, magic formula
呪いをす: rumajinaiosuru: set [cast] a spell (upon), exorcise
呪いを唱える: majinaiotonaeru: pronounce a magic formula <<<
呪いを使う: majinaiotsukau: practice magic <<< 使
呪う: norou: curse (v.), call down a curse (upon), wish ill of (a person)
呪い: noroi: curse (n.), imprecation
呪うべき: noroubeki: cursed, execrable
呪われた: norowareta: cursed, doomed
呪われている: norowareteiru: be under a curse
呪いを掛ける: noroiokakeru: curse (v.), place a curse (on) <<<
Kanji words: 呪詛 , 呪文
related words: 魔術

category: JIS1
keyword: furniture
Number of strokes: 8
translation: pillow, bolster, crossbar, look over, horse post
chin, shin
枕む: nozomu: look over <<<
枕: makura: pillow, bolster, foreword (jp.)
枕をする: makuraosuru: rest one's head on a pillow
枕を高くして眠る: makuraotakakushitenemuru: sleep in peace
Kanji words: 枕木 , 枕詞
Expressions: 肘を枕にする , 空気枕 , 枕カバー

category: JIS1
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 8
translation: fox, foxy (fig.)
狐: kitsune: fox
狐が鳴く: kitsuneganaku: bark, yelp <<<
狐の穴: kitsunenoana: fox kennel [burrow] <<<
狐の尾: kitsunenoo: fox brush <<<
狐の様な: kitsunenoyouna: foxy, vulpine <<<
狐に化かされる: kitsunenibakasareru: be bewitched by a fox <<<
狐に摘まれた様だ: kitsunenitsumamaretayouda: I am puzzled [mystified]
Kanji words: 銀狐
Expressions: 北極狐

category: JIS1
keyword: war
Number of strokes: 8
translation: gibbon, aim, sight, point, fence, watch
so, sho
狙う: nerau: aim (at), take aim (at), watch (for), be after (a thing), sight, point
狙い: nerai: aim
狙いを定める: neraiosadameru: take aim (at) <<<
狙いを誤る: neraioayamaru: take the mark [one's aim] amiss <<<
狙いが外れる: neraigahazureru: miss [fall wide of] the mark [one's aim] <<<
狙いが狂う: neraigakuruu <<<
狙う: ukagau: watch [wait] for (a chance) <<<
狙: saru: monkey, ape, gibbon <<<
Kanji words: 狙撃
Expressions: 付け狙う , 片目で狙う , 椅子を狙う , 生命を狙う

category: JIS1
keyword: tool
Number of strokes: 8
translation: ax, hatchet
斧: ono
斧: masakari
斧: yoki

category: JIS1
Number of strokes: 8
translation: corner [curve] of mountains (orig.), hill, corner, nook, flatter (bend the principle), fawn
a, o
o: prefix of affection for women or children (jp.)
阿: kuma: hill, corner, nook <<<
阿る: omoneru: flatter, fawn
Kanji words: 阿房 , 阿片 , 阿婆擦 , 阿鼻叫喚 , 阿漕
Expressions: 阿羅漢 , 阿修羅

category: JIS1
keyword: geography
Number of strokes: 8
translation: hill, hilltop
岡: oka
Kanji words: 盛岡 , 福岡 , 岡山 , 静岡

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