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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
Direct access: 家庭 , 家内 , 兄弟 , 近親 , 義兄 , 義弟 , 義理 , 系図 , 系統 , 血統


pronunciation: katei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , house
translation: family (n.), home, household
家庭の: kateino: family (a.), home, household, domestic, homely
家庭的: kateiteki: homely <<<
家庭で: kateide: at home, in the home
家庭向きの: kateimukino: for domestic use <<<
家庭を持つ: kateiomotsu: make a home <<<
家庭科: kateika: homemaking course <<<
家庭着: kateigi: home dress <<<
家庭欄: kateiran: domestic column <<<
家庭医: kateii: family doctor <<<
家庭教師: kateikyoushi: private teacher <<< 教師
家庭教育: kateikyouiku: home education [discipline] <<< 教育
家庭用品: kateiyouhin: domestic articles <<< 用品
家庭料理: kateiryouri: home cooking <<< 料理
家庭裁判所: kateisaibansho: court of family affairs <<< 裁判所
家庭内暴力: kateinaibouryoku: domestic violence
母子家庭: boshikatei: family of the mother and a child <<< 母子
相当な家庭: soutounakatei: respectable (decent) family <<< 相当
円満な家庭: enmannnakatei: happy home <<< 円満
崩壊家庭: houkaikatei: family torn apart by violence, broken family <<< 崩壊
related words: ホーム , 家族


pronunciation: kanai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , house
translation: housewife, household (n.)
家内の: kanaino: domestic, household (a.)
家内中: kanaijuu: whole family, all the family <<<
家内一同: kanaiichidou
家内工業: kanaikougyou: domestic [household] industry <<< 工業
家内労働: kanairoudou: domestic [household] labor <<< 労働
家内安全: kanaianzen: domestic peace <<< 安全
related words: , 家族 , 女房


pronunciation: kyoudai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: brothers
兄弟の: kyoudaino: brotherly
兄弟の誼: kyoudainoyoshimi: brotherhood, fraternity <<<
兄弟の誼を結ぶ: kyoudainoyoshimiomusubu: form a fraternal friendship <<<
兄弟愛: kyoudaiai: brotherly affection <<<
兄弟分: kyoudaibun: sworn brother <<<
兄弟殺し: kyoudaigoroshi: fratricide <<<
兄弟弟子: kyoudaideshi: fellow disciples <<< 弟子
兄弟喧嘩: kyoudaigenka: quarrel between brothers <<< 喧嘩
乳兄弟: chikyoudai: foster brother <<<
従兄弟: itoko: cousin <<<
双子の兄弟: hutagonokyoudai: twin brothers <<< 双子
義理の兄弟: girinokyoudai: brother-in-law, stepbrother <<< 義理
肉親の兄弟: nikushinnnokyoudai: biological brother <<< 肉親
グリム兄弟: gurimukyoudai: Brothers Grimm <<< グリム
ライト兄弟: raitokyoudai: Wright brothers <<< ライト
antonyms: 姉妹


pronunciation: kinshin
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: near relation, close relation
近親の: kinshinnno: closely related
近親者: kinshinsha: close relative <<<
近親結婚: kinshinkekkon: intermarriage <<< 結婚
近親相姦: kinshinsoukan: incest
近親相姦の: kinshinsoukannno: incestuous


pronunciation: gikei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: (elder) brother-in-law
antonyms: 義弟


pronunciation: gitei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: (younger) brother-in-law
antonyms: 義兄


pronunciation: giri
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family
translation: obligation, duty, justice
義理堅い: girigatai: having a strong sense of duty, faithful, conscientious <<<
義理を欠く: giriokaku: having no sense of duty, ungrateful, thankless <<<
義理を立てる: giriotateru: do one's duty (by a friend) <<<
義理の娘: girinomusume: daughter-in-law, stepdaughter <<<
義理の息子: girinomusuko: son-in-law, stepson <<< 息子
義理の姉妹: girinoshimai: sister-in-law, stepsister <<< 姉妹
義理の兄弟: girinokyoudai: brother-in-law, stepbrother <<< 兄弟 , 義兄 , 義弟
義理の母: girinohaha: mother-in-law, stepmother <<< ,
義理の母親: girinohahaoya <<< 母親
義理の父: girinochichi: father-in-law, stepfather <<< ,
義理の父親: girinochichioya <<< 父親


pronunciation: keizu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: family , history
translation: stem, family tree, genealogy
祖先の系図: sosennnokeizu: genealogy, ancestor chart, family tree, pedigree <<< 祖先
related words: 血統 , 家系


pronunciation: keitou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: biology , history , family
translation: system, organism, family tree, genealogy, lineage, party, group
系統的: keitouteki: systematic, organic, methodic <<<
系統を引く: keitouohiku: be descended from, be inherited <<<
系統を立てる: keitouotateru: systemize <<<
系統を辿る: keitouotadoru: go back to the source <<< 辿
系統発生: keitouhassei: phylogeny <<< 発生
血管系統: kekkankeitou: vascular system <<< 血管
指揮系統: shikikeitou: chain of command <<< 指揮
運転系統: untenkeitou: bus [train] routes <<< 運転
伝染系統: densenkeitou: trace of an epidemic <<< 伝染
related words: 系図 , 血統


pronunciation: kettou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: pet , family
translation: bloodline, lineage, family line, pedigree, stock
血統が良い: kettougaii: come of a good stock <<<
血統が悪い: kettougawarui: come of a bad stock <<<
血統書: kettousho: certificate of breed <<<
synonyms: 血筋

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