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category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 13
translation: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach
腹: hara: belly, abdomen, bowels, stomach, heart, mind, intention, courage
腹く: idaku: hold, entertain, cherish, harbor, bear <<< ,
腹が痛む: haragaitamu: have a stomachache <<<
腹が痛まない: haragaitamanai: have nothing to lose <<<
腹が減る: haragaheru: feel [get] hungry <<<
腹が空く: haragasuku <<<
腹の空いた: haranosuita: hungry <<<
腹が張る: haragaharu: feel heavy in the stomach <<<
腹が下る: haragakudaru: have lose bowels <<< , 下痢
腹が立つ: haragatatsu: get [be] angry (with a person, at a matter), lose one's temper, become enraged [indignant] (at), be offended <<<
腹立たしい: haradatashii: provoking, irritating, exasperating <<<
腹の据わった: haranosuwatta: (man) with plenty of guts <<<
腹の大きい: haranoookii: broad-minded, generous <<<
腹の中は: haranonakaha: at heart, at bottom <<<
腹を決める: haraokimeru: make up one's mind (to do) <<<
腹を括る: haraokukuru <<<
腹を読む: haraoyomu: read a person's mind <<<
腹を探る: haraosaguru <<<
腹を割って話す: haraowattehanasu: have a heart-to-heart talk (with a person), speak out
腹黒い: haraguroi: wicked, crafty, scheming <<<
腹熟しに: haragonashini: to help [aid] digestion <<<
腹違いの: harachigaino: born of a different mother, half-blooded <<<
Kanji words: 腹痛 , 空腹 , 満腹 , 腹案 , 切腹 , 御腹 , 腹部
Expressions: 指の腹 , 太鼓腹 , ビール腹
related words:

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 14
translation: nose, trunk, muzzle, snout
鼻: hana
鼻の: hanano: nasal
鼻の穴: hananoana: nostril <<<
鼻の先: hananosaki: nose tip <<<
鼻の下が長い: hananoshitaganagai: be spoony
鼻が利く: hanagakiku: have a good nose, have a fine sense of smell <<<
鼻が利かない: hanagakikanai: have a bad nose, have a poor sense of smell <<<
鼻が詰る: hanagatsumaru: One's nose is stopped up <<<
鼻に掛かる: hananikakaru: speak through one's nose, have a nasal tone [twang] <<<
鼻に掛ける: hananikakeru: pride oneself upon, be proud [vain] of, take pride in <<<
鼻に付く: hananitsuku: stink, be offensive to the nose, get tired [sick] of <<<
鼻を穿る: hanaohojiru: pick one's nose <<< 穿
鼻を摘む: hanaotsumamu: hold one's nose <<<
鼻を擤む: hanaokamu: blow one's nose
鼻を鳴らす: hanaonarasu: whine <<<
鼻が高い: hanagatakai: be proud (of) <<<
鼻であしらう: hanadeashirau: sniff at, treat (a person) with contempt, snub
鼻で笑う: hanadewarau: laugh ironically <<<
鼻を明かす: hanaoakasu: foil, outwit (a person), upset a person's scheme, put a person's nose out of joint <<<
鼻を折る: hanaooru: put (a person) to shame, take (a person) down a peg <<<
Kanji words: 鼻炎 , 鼻水 , 鼻先 , 阿鼻叫喚 , 耳鼻
Expressions: 低い鼻 , 象の鼻 , 尖った鼻 , 高い鼻 , 獅子鼻 , 鼻眼鏡 , 団子鼻 , 団子鼻の , 鼻風邪 , 鼻母音 , 鼻が鋭敏

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 16
translation: head, brain, chief, leader, boss
tou, zu, to
頭: atama: head, top, brain
頭が痛い: atamagaitai: have a headache <<<
頭を抱える: atamaokakaeru: bury one's head in one's arms, be utterly perplexed <<<
頭を掻く: atamaokaku: scratch one's head <<<
頭を振る: atamaohuru: shake one's head <<<
頭を絞る: atamaoshiboru: cudgel [rack] one's brain, be worried (about) <<<
頭を働かす: atamaohatarakasu: use one's head <<<
頭が良い: atamagaii, atamagayoi: have a clear head, be clear-headed <<<
頭が悪い: atamagawarui: have no brains, be dull-headed <<<
頭が変な: atamagahennna: queer in the head <<<
頭の疲れ: atamanotsukare: mental exhaustion <<<
頭に来る: atamanikuru: get on one's nerves, go to one's head <<<
頭: kashira: head, chief <<< ボス
頭: kami: a Japanese court rank
Kanji words: 頭部 , 店頭 , 先頭 , 鶏頭 , 頭金 , 接頭 , 禿頭 , 頭巾 , 頭取 , 頭上 , 竜頭蛇尾 , 一頭 , 口頭 , 巻頭 , 頭脳 , 街頭 , 頭痛 , 没頭 , 冒頭 , 初頭 , 地頭 , 饅頭 , 船頭 , 竜頭 , 若頭 , 橋頭堡 , 出頭
Expressions: 尖った頭 , 釘の頭 , 頭骸骨 , 頭が可笑しい , 毬栗頭 , 薬缶頭 , 薬缶頭の , 坊主頭 , 出会い頭に , 頭が朦朧とする , 給仕頭 , 頭文字 , 白髪頭の , 出世頭 , 頭が鋭敏 , 頭の切替 , 人夫頭

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 18
translation: forehead, brow, frame
gaku, gyaku
額: gaku: frame, amount (jp.), sum, a kind of hydrangea
額に入れる: gakuniireru: frame (a picture), set [put] (a picture) in a frame <<<
額に掛ける: gakunikakeru: hang a framed picture (on the wall) <<<
額: hitai: forehead, brow
額に皺を寄せる: hitainishiwaoyoseru: knit one's brows
額に汗して働く: hitainiaseshitehataraku: work by the sweat of one's brow
額: taka: amount, sum
Kanji words: 多額 , 金額 , 減額 , 総額 , 半額 , 高額 , 額縁 , 額面
Expressions: 増加額 , 最高額 , 滞納額 , 負担額 , 出資額 , 支給額 , 予定額 , 控除額 , 出金額 , 支出額 , 損害額 , 決算額 , 最低額 , 徴収額 , 輸出額 , 落札額 , 割当額 , 応募額 , 見積額 , 査定額 , 評価額 , 請求額 , 不足額 , 莫大な金額 , 所得額 , 申告額 , 些細な金額 , 超過額 , 消費額

category: to learn in school
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 18
translation: face, look (n.), aspect, appearance, countenance, features, expression, honor
顔: kao: face, look (n.), aspect, appearance, countenance, features, expression, honor
顔を赤くする: kaooakakusuru: blush, color (up) <<<
顔を赤くして: kaooakakushite: with a blush <<<
顔を洗う: kaookaooarau: wash one's face <<<
顔を合わせる: kaooawaseru: meet face to face (with) <<<
顔を出す: kaoodasu: show one's face, appear, show [turn] up <<<
顔を顰める: kaooshikameru: make faces <<<
顔が潰れる: kaogatsubureru: lose face [prestige], be humiliated <<<
顔を潰す: kaootsubusu: put (a person) out of countenance <<<
顔に係る: kaonikakawaru: affect one's honor <<<
顔を立てる: kaootateru: save a person's face [honor] <<<
顔が広い: kaogahiroi: have a large circle of acquaintance, be popular, be widely known <<<
顔が利く: kaogakiku: have an influence <<<
顔を利かす: kaookikasu: use [exercise] one's influence <<<
顔に泥を塗る: kaonidoroonuru: disgrace (a person), bring disgrace on (a person), stain a person's good name
Kanji words: 朝顔 , 顔面 , 素顔 , 笑顔 , 顔立ち , 顔色 , 横顔
Expressions: 苦い顔をする , 渋い顔をする , 難しい顔をする , 涼しい顔をする , 惚けた顔をする , 嫌な顔をする , 偉そうな顔をする , 真面目な顔をする , 高慢な顔をする , 顔の輪郭 , 主人顔をする , 得意な顔 , 深刻な顔をする , 自慢顔に , 憂鬱な顔をする , 陰気な顔をする
synonyms: , フェイス

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 6
translation: skin, complexion
肌: hada: skin, complexion, character, temper
肌が美しい: hadagautsukushii: have a clear [fair] skin <<<
肌を脱ぐ: hadaonugu: strip oneself to the waist, bare one's shoulders <<<
肌が合う: hadagaau: be congenial (to one), can get on well (with a person) <<<
肌が合わない: hadagaawanai: be uncongenial (to one), cannot get on well (with a person) <<<
肌を許す: hadaoyurusu: give oneself (up) to (a man) <<<
肌寒い: hadazamui: chilly <<<
Kanji words: 肌着 , 鳥肌 , 素肌 , 肌触 , 肌身
Expressions: 親分肌の , 豪傑肌の

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 8
translation: shoulder, back
肩: kata: shoulder (n.), back
肩にする: katanisuru: shoulder (v.), bear [carry] (a thing) on the shoulder
肩に担ぐ: katanikatsugu <<<
肩に掛ける: katanikakeru: hang a thing over one's shoulder <<<
肩が凝る: katagakoru: have stiff shoulders, feel stiff in one's shoulders <<<
肩を落す: kataootosu: lose heart, be disheartened [discouraged] (by) <<< , 落胆
肩を脱ぐ: kataonugu: bare [expose] one's shoulders <<<
肩を聳やかす: kataosobiyakasu: raise one's shoulders
肩を竦める: kataosukumeru: shrug one's shoulders <<<
肩を持つ: kataomotsu: back (v.), favor, support, take sides (with), stand by (a person) <<<
肩を怒らして: kataoikarashite: with one's shoulders squared <<<
肩を叩く: kataotataku: pat sb. on the back, clap sb. on the shoulder <<<
肩を並べる: kataonaraberu: stand shoulder to shoulder with, rank with, rival <<<
肩で息をする: katadeikiosuru: gasp for breath <<<
Kanji words: 肩幅 , 肩車 , 肩身 , 肩掛 , 肩凝

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 8
translation: limbs, paw
肢: teashi: limbs, hand and foot, hands and feet <<< 手足

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 10
translation: trunk, body, torso
dou, tou
胴: dou: trunk, body, torso, frame, plastron
胴が長い: douganagai: have a long body <<<
胴が短い: dougamijikai: have a short body <<<
Kanji words: 胴輪 , 胴着 , 胴体
related words:

category: common usage
keyword: body
Number of strokes: 11
translation: foot, leg, limb, paw, support
脚: ashi: foot, leg, limb, paw
Kanji words: 脚気 , 三脚 , 脚光 , 行脚 , 飛脚 , 脚本 , 脚部 , 脚絆 , 脚立

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