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Direct access: 六日 , 目標 , 木曜 , 八日 , 翌日 , 翌朝 , 四日 , 予定 , 来月 , 来週


pronunciation: muika, rokunichi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 6日
keyword: calendar
translation: six days, the sixth day (of month)
六日間: muikakan: six days <<<
六日目: muikame: sixth day <<<


pronunciation: mokuhyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: goal, object, target, aim
目標にする: mokuhyounisuru: take aim at, have as one's object, target (v.)
目標に達する: mokuhyounitassuru: reach (attain) the goal <<<
目標日: mokuhyoubi: target day <<<
行進目標: koushinmokuhyou: destination of march <<< 行進
related words: 目的


pronunciation: mokuyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: Thursday
木曜日: mokuyoubi <<<


pronunciation: youka, hachinichi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 8日
keyword: calendar
translation: the eighth day (of month)


pronunciation: yokujitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the next [following] day
翌日の朝: yokujitsunoasa: the next [following] morning <<< , 翌朝
synonyms: 明日
antonyms: 前日


pronunciation: yokuchou, yokuasa
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the next [following] morning


pronunciation: yokka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 4日
keyword: calendar
translation: four days, the fourth day (of month)
四日間: yokkakan: four days <<<
四日目: yokkame: fourth day <<<
四日市: yokkaichi: Yokkaichi (a city of Mie prefecture) <<< , 三重


pronunciation: yotei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: plan (n.), planning, schedule, project
予定の: yoteino: scheduled, expected, planned
予定する: yoteisuru: plan (v.), foresee
予定を立てる: yoteiotateru: make a program, map (sketch) out a plan <<<
予定通り: yoteidoori: as planned (expected), according to schedule <<<
予定が狂う: yoteigakuruu: have a hitch in the program, One's arrangement does not work as expected <<<
予定日: yoteibi: expected date (of delivery) <<<
予定額: yoteigaku: estimated amount <<<
予定表: yoteihyou: slate, timetable <<<
予定申告: yoteishinkoku: provisional declaration <<< 申告
発売予定: hatsubaiyotei: expected release <<< 発売
related words: 計画 , スケジュール , プラン


pronunciation: raigetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: next month
来月の今日: raigetsunokyou: this day next month <<< 今日
再来月: saraigetsu: the month after next <<<
related words: 先月


pronunciation: raishuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: next week
来週に: raishuuni: in next [the following] week
来週の今日: raishuunokyou: this day next week <<< 今日
来週の月曜: raishuunogetsuyou: next Monday <<< 月曜
再来週: saraishuu: the week after next <<<
再来週の今日: saraishuunokyou: two weeks (from) today <<< 今日
related words: 先週

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