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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
Direct access: 毎月 , 毎日 , 毎年 , 末期 , 真夏 , 万年 , 晦日 , 三日 , 未明 , 未来


pronunciation: maitsuki, maigetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: every month, monthly, month after month, per month
毎月の: maitsukino: monthly
毎月二回: maitsukinikai: twice a month <<< 二回
related words: 毎日 , 毎週 , 毎年


pronunciation: mainichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: everyday (n.), day after day
毎日の: mainichino: everyday (a.), daily
毎日の様に: mainichinoyouni: almost everyday <<<
毎日毎日: mainichimainichi: day after day, from day to day, day in and day out
毎日の仕事: mainichinoshigoto: daily work <<< 仕事
毎日新聞: mainichishinbun: Mainichi Shimbun (a Japanese newspaper) <<< 新聞
related words: 一日 , 日々 , 日常 ,


pronunciation: mainen, maitoshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: every year, yearly, year after [by] year, per year
毎年の: mainennno: yearly
毎年二回: mainennnikai: twice a year <<< 二回
related words: 毎日 , 毎週 , 毎月


pronunciation: makki, matsugo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the last years [stage], one's dying hour
末期的: makkiteki: decadent <<<
末期的症状: makkitekishoujou: signs of downfall <<< 症状
末期の苦しみ: matsugonokurushimi: death agonies <<<
末期の水: matsugonomizu: last earthly drink <<<
末期に臨んで: matsugoninozonde: on one's deathbed <<<
related words: 初期 , 臨終


pronunciation: manatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: midsummer, height of summer
真夏に: manatsuni: in midsummer, in the height of summer


pronunciation: mannnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: ten thousand years, long period
万年筆: mannnenhitsu: fountain pen <<<
万年雪: mannnennyuki: eternal snow <<<
万年暦: mannnengoyomi: perpetual calendar <<<
万年候補: mannnenhouho: eternal candidate <<< 候補


pronunciation: misoka
kanji characters:
other spells: 三十日
keyword: calendar
translation: last day of a month
晦日払: misokabarai: month-end payment <<<
大晦日: oomisoka: New Year's Eve <<< , 除夜


pronunciation: mikka
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 3日
keyword: calendar
translation: three days, the third day
三日毎に: mikkagotoni: every three days <<<
三日置きに: mikkaokini: every fourth day [four days] <<<
三日目に: mikkameni: on the third day <<<
三日坊主: mikkabouzu: sticker-at-nothing <<< 坊主
三日天下: mikkatenka: short-lived reign <<< 天下


pronunciation: mimei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: before daybreak, before dawn
未明に: mimeini
related words: 夜明


pronunciation: mirai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , grammar
translation: future (n.), tomorrow
未来の: miraino: future (a.)
未来に: miraini: in future
未来派: miraiha: futurism <<<
未来学: miraigaku: futurology <<<
未来学者: miraigakusha: futurologist <<< 学者
未来完了: miraikanryou: future perfect <<< 完了
未来時制: miraijisei: future tense
未来永劫: miraieigou: forever
related words: 将来

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