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Direct access: 半期 , 半月 , 半年 , 半日 , 晩秋 , 彼岸 , 日付 , 一晩 , 日々 , 百日


pronunciation: hanki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: a half year [term]
半期の: hankino: half-yearly, semiannual
半期毎の: hankigotono <<<
半期決算: hankikessan: half-yearly closing account <<< 決算
半期配当: hankihaitou: semiannual dividend <<< 配当
上半期: kamihanki: first half of the year <<< , 上期
下半期: shimohanki: latter half of the year <<< , 下期
四半期: yonhanki: quarter <<<


pronunciation: hantsuki, hangetsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , astronomy
translation: half a month, half-moon
半月毎の: hantsukigotono: semimonthly <<<
半月形の: hangetsukeino: semicircular, crescent <<<
半月状の: hangetsujouno <<<
related words: 満月 , 三日月


pronunciation: hantoshi, hannnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: half a year, semester
半年の: hantoshino: of a half year, of six months
半年間の: hantoshikannno <<<
半年毎の: hantoshigotono: half-yearly, semiannually <<<


pronunciation: hannnichi, hanjitsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: half a day, a half day
antonyms: 全日


pronunciation: banshuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: late autumn
晩秋に: banshuuni: late in autumn
related words: 初秋


pronunciation: higan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: buddhism , calendar
translation: equinoctial week, nirvana, afterlife
彼岸の: higannno: equinoctial
彼岸会: higanne: nirvana worship [religious] service <<<
彼岸桜: higanzakura: early flowering cherry (tree) <<<
彼岸花: higanbana: amaryllis <<< , アマリリス , リコリス
彼岸の入り: higannnoiri: beginning of the equinoctial week <<<
彼岸の中日: higannnochuunichi: equinoctial day
春の彼岸: harunohigan: vernal equinox <<<
秋の彼岸: akinohigan: autumnal equinox <<<
related words: 春分 , 秋分


pronunciation: hiZuke
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: date (n.), dating
日付の無い: hiZukenonai: undated, dateless <<<
日付を付ける: hiZukeotsukeru: date (v.) <<<
日付印: hiZukein: date stamp <<<
日付変更線: hiZukehenkousen: (international) date line
文書の日付: bunshonohiZuke: document date <<< 文書


pronunciation: hitoban
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: a night, one evening
一晩中: hitobanjuu: all night, all the night through <<<
antonyms: 一日


pronunciation: hibi
kanji characters:
keyword: calendar
translation: daily, every day, day by day, from day to day
日々の: hibino: daily, everyday
日々の勤め: hibinotsutome: daily duties <<<
日々の暮し: hibinokurashi: daily life <<<
related words: 毎日


pronunciation: hyakunichi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , history
translation: (one) hundred days
百日咳: hyakunichizeki: whooping cough, pertussis <<<
百日草: hyakunichisou: zinnia <<<
百日天下: hyakunichitenka: Hundred Days (of Napoleon) <<< 天下

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