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Direct access: 年始 , 年次 , 年中 , 年度 , 年内 , 年末 , 二十 , 八月 , 初夢 , 春休


pronunciation: nenshi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , greeting
translation: beginning of the year, New Year's greeting
年始に行く: nenshiniiku: make a round of New Year's calls [greeting] <<<
年始回りをする: nenshimawariosuru <<<
synonyms: 年賀 , 新年
antonyms: 年末


pronunciation: nenji
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: annuality
年次の: nenjino: annual, yearly
年次報告: nenjihoukoku: annual report <<< 報告
年次総会: nenjisoukai: annual general meeting
年次大会: nenjitaikai: annual convention <<< 大会
related words: 年鑑 , 年度


pronunciation: nenjuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the whole year, all the year (round), year in, year out, always
年中無休: nenjuumukyuu: open year round [all year]
年中行事: nenjuugyouji: annual functions [events] <<< 行事
related words: 毎年


pronunciation: nendo
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: term of one year, business year
年度替りに: nendogawarini: at the change of the fiscal year <<<
年度末に: nendomatsuni: at the end of the fiscal year <<<
学年度: gakunendo: school [academic] year <<<
本年度: honnnendo: current year <<<
前年度: zennnendo: previous year <<<
財政年度: zaiseinendo: fiscal year <<< 財政
会計年度: kaikeinendo: fiscal year <<< 会計
事業年度: jigyounendo: business year <<< 事業
related words: 年次


pronunciation: nennnai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: days before the end of the year
年内に: nennnaini: within the year


pronunciation: nenmatsu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: end of the year
年末の: nenmatsuno: year-end (a.)
年末に: nenmatsuni: at the end of the year
年末調整: nenmatsuchousei: year-end adjustment <<< 調整
年末闘争: nenmatsutousou: year-end strike <<< 闘争
年末賞与: nenmatsushouyo: year-end bonus <<< 賞与
antonyms: 年始
related words: 月末 , 週末


pronunciation: hatachi, nijuu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 20
keyword: calendar , number
translation: twenty years old, twenty
二十歳: hatachi: twenty years old (n.) <<<
二十の: hatachino: twenty years old (a.)
二十歳の: hatachino
二十前の: hatachimaeno: in one's teens <<<
二十代の: hatachidaino, nijuudaino: in one's twenties <<<
二十番: nijuuban: the twentieth <<<
第二十: dainijuu <<<
二十日: hatsuka, nijuunichi: the twentieth day (of month) <<<
二十日鼠: hatsukanezumi: mouse <<<
二十日大根: hatsukadaikon: radish <<< 大根 , ラディシュ
二十三: nijuusan: twenty-three <<<


pronunciation: hachigatsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 8月
keyword: calendar
translation: August


pronunciation: hatsuyume
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: the first dream of the (new) year
初夢を見る: hatsuyumeomiru: have one's first dream of the (new) year <<<


pronunciation: haruyasumi
kanji characters: ,
keyword: school , calendar
translation: spring vacation
related words: 夏休 , 冬休

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