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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
Direct access: 七日 , 何度 , 二月 , 日曜 , 日記 , 日数 , 日程 , 任期 , 年間 , 年号


pronunciation: nanoka, shichinichi
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 7日
keyword: calendar
translation: seven days, the seventh day


pronunciation: nando
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: how many degrees, how often, how many times
何度も: nandomo: many times, again and again, over and over again, repeatedly, often
related words: 幾度


pronunciation: nigatsu
kanji characters: ,
other spells: 弐月, 2月
keyword: calendar
translation: February


pronunciation: nichiyou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: Sunday
日曜日: nichiyoubi <<<
日曜に: nichiyouni: on Sunday
日曜毎に: nichiyougotoni: on Sundays, every Sunday <<<
日曜の朝: nichiyounoasa: Sunday morning <<<
日曜版: nichiyouban: Sunday edition <<<
日曜大工: nichiyoudaiku: Sunday carpenter (carpentering), amateur carpenter <<< 大工
日曜画家: nichiyougaka: Sunday painter <<< 画家
日曜学校: nichiyougakkou: Sunday school <<< 学校
日曜ドライバー: nichiyoudoraibaa: Sunday driver <<< ドライバー
related words: サンデー


pronunciation: nikki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , literature
translation: diary
日記に付ける: nikkinitsukeru: write down (record) a matter on one's diary <<<
日記を付ける: nikkiotsukeru: keep a diary
日記帳: nikkichou: diary book, daybook <<<
日記文学: nikkibungaku: diaries (as a branch of literature) <<< 文学
懐中日記: kaichuunikki: pocket diary <<< 懐中


pronunciation: nissuu
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: number of days, time
稼働日数: kadounissuu: workdays <<< 稼働
出勤日数: shukkinnnissuu: number of attendances [workdays] <<< 出勤
出席日数: shussekinissuu: number of attendances, days attended <<< 出席
操業日数: sougyounissuu: days operated <<< 操業
滞在日数: taizainissuu: length of one's stay <<< 滞在


pronunciation: nittei
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar , travel
translation: day's program, schedule, agenda
日程を組む: nitteiokumu: schedule (v.) <<<
日程に載せる: nitteininoseru: put on the agenda <<<
日程から除く: nitteikaranozoku: remove from the agenda <<<
日程に入る: nitteinihairu: proceed with the order of the day <<<
日程表: nitteihyou: schedule chart <<<
議事日程: gijinittei: order of the day <<< 議事
旅行日程: ryokounittei: itinerary <<< 旅行


pronunciation: ninki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: politics , calendar
translation: term (of office)
任期満了: ninkimanryou: expiration of a term
市長任期: shichouninki: mayoralty <<< 市長
大統領の任期: daitouryounoninki: presidency <<< 大統領


pronunciation: nenkan
kanji characters: ,
keyword: calendar
translation: yearly, annual
年間平均: nenkanheikin: annual [yearly] average <<< 平均
年間予算: nenkannyosan: annual budget <<< 予算


pronunciation: nengou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: japanese history , calendar
translation: name of an (imperial) era
年号を改める: nengouoaratameru: adopt a new name of era <<<
related words: 元号

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