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category: common usage
keyword: biology , medicine
Number of strokes: 7
translation: pregnant, pregnancy
nin, jin
妊む: haramu: conceive, become pregnant <<<
Kanji words: 妊婦 , 避妊 , 妊娠

category: common usage
keyword: book
Number of strokes: 7
translation: steal, extract (a passage from book, conf.), excerpt, abstract
抄: shou: comment (of a book, jp.), annotation
抄る: toru: take away, steal <<<
抄る: kasumetoru: steal (v.)
抄: nukigaki: extract, excerpt, abstract

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: grasp, grip, hold, seize, bundle (ext.), bunch, batch
把る: toru: grasp, grip, hold, seize <<< , ,
把: taba: bundle, bunch, batch <<<
Kanji words: 把握

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: quiet, calm, conciliatory
da, ta
妥やか: odayaka
妥: yasu: pers.
Kanji words: 妥協 , 妥当

category: common usage
keyword: art
Number of strokes: 7
translation: model, imitate, copy
肖る: niru: resemble, look like <<<
肖る: katadoru: imitate, copy <<<
肖る: ayakaru: take after
Kanji words: 肖像

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: skillful, dexterous, ingenious, young, flexible, supple, graceful, elegant
妙: tae: skillful, dexterous, ingenious
妙い: wakai: young <<<
妙やか: shinayaka: flexible, supple, graceful, elegant
Kanji words: 微妙 , 絶妙 , 奇妙 , 妙味

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: prevent, stop, hinder, hamper
妨げ: samatage: obstruction, stumbling block
妨げる: samatageru: bar, obstruct, be obstructive (to), impede, hinder, stand [get] in one's way, block, give a check (to), interrupt, prevent, arrest (the growth)
妨する: jamasuru: obstruct, hinder, interrupt, disturb, interfere (with), intrude (upon) <<< 邪魔
Kanji words: 妨害
Expressions: 睡眠を妨げる , 展望を妨げる

category: common usage
keyword: music , weather
Number of strokes: 7
translation: blow, puff, breathe, whistle, spout, spurt, gush, boast, brag
吹く: huku: blow, puff out, breathe, play on, sound, whistle, spout, spurt [gush, send] out, emit, boast, talk big [tall], brag, melt (iron etc., jp.)
吹き降ろす: hukiorosu: blow down <<<
吹き返す: hukikaesu: come to oneself [life again] <<<
吹き掛ける: hukikakeru: blow upon, spurt, breathe upon, spray upon, pick a quarrel, overcharge <<<
吹っ掛ける: hukkakeru: challenge (a person), pick a quarrel with (a person), ask an unreasonable price, overcharge <<<
吹き消す: hukikesu: blow out <<<
吹き込む: hukikomu: blow into, breathe into, put on record, have recorded, inspire <<<
吹き荒ぶ: hukisusabu: rage, blow violently [furiously] <<<
吹き倒す: hukitaosu: blow down <<<
吹き出す: hukidasu: begin to blow, rise, , spout, spurt [gush] out, blow up, burst into laughter <<<
吹き散らす: hukichirasu: blow about, scatter <<<
吹き飛ばす: hukitobasu: blow off [carry] off [away] <<<
吹き払う: hukiharau: blow off [away], dissipate <<<
吹き捲る: hukimakuru: sweep along [over], blow about, rage <<<
吹き止む: hukiyamu: blow over, cease to blow, go down, subside <<<
吹: kaze: pers.
Kanji words: 吹抜 , 吹雪 , 吹矢
Expressions: 粉が吹く , 笛を吹く , 潮を吹く , 霧を吹く , 泡を吹く , 風が吹く , 嵐が吹く , 火を吹く , 煙草を吹かす , 香水吹き , 新芽を吹く , 法螺を吹く , 法螺吹き , ハーモニカを吹く , トランペットを吹く , ラッパを吹く , フルートを吹く

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: encourage, endeavor
励む: hagemu: endeavor (to do, after an aim), strive [exert oneself] (to do, for), be diligent (in, at)
励ます: hagemasu: encourage, cheer up, stimulate, buoy up (with, by)
励み: hagemi: encouragement, stimulus
励みに成る: hagemininaru: encouraging, serve as a stimulus (to a person) <<<
励みが付く: hagemigatsuku: be encouraged, be stimulated <<<
励み合う: hagemiau: vie with each other <<<
Kanji words: 奨励 , 激励 , 励行
Expressions: 業務に励む , 家業に励む

category: common usage
keyword: war , sport
Number of strokes: 7
translation: attack, assault, study (ext.), master
攻める: semeru: attack (v.), open an attack upon, assault
攻める: osameru: study, complete (the course of), master <<<
攻め合う: semeau: attack each other <<<
攻め入る: semeiru: invade, make inroads into [on, upon], raid <<<
攻め落とす: semeotosu: take by storm, capture, cause to surrender <<<
攻め立てる: semetateru: attack violently, harass (a person with questions) <<<
攻め倦む: semeagumu: be weary of making an attack (on)
Kanji words: 攻勢 , 攻防 , 特攻 , 攻略 , 専攻 , 攻撃
Expressions: 陣地を攻める

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