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category: common usage
other spells: 隱
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hide, conceal, retire, occult
in, on
隠す: kakusu: hide (vt.), conceal, screen, cover up, stash <<<
隠れる: kakureru: hide (vi.), disappear, retire, duck
隠る: yoru: lean, rest <<<
Kanji words: 隠処 , 隠者 , 隠元 , 隠し撮 , 神隠し , 隠居 , 隠蔽
Expressions: 姿を隠す , 年を隠す , 影を隠す , 包み隠す , 包み隠さず , 感情を隠す , 欠点を隠す , 才能を隠す , 身分を隠す , 真相を隠す , 正体を隠す , 物陰に隠れる , 隠しカメラ , 隠しマイク

category: common usage
keyword: fabric
Number of strokes: 14
translation: (end of) thread, clue, beginning
sho, cho
緒に就く: shonitsuku: be started, be fairly under way <<<
緒: itoguchi: end of thread, clue, beginning
緒: o: thread
Kanji words: 一緒 , 内緒 , 情緒 , 端緒
Expressions: 臍の緒

category: common usage
keyword: mechanics
Number of strokes: 14
translation: run, canter, gallop, drive, urge on
駆ける: kakeru: run, canter, gallop
駆け登る: kakenoboru: run [scamper] up <<<
駆け上がる: kakeagaru <<<
駆け降りる: kakeoriru: run [scamper] down <<<
駆け出す: kakedasu: run out, break into a run, set off at a gallop, run [scamper] off <<<
駆け込む: kakekomu: run [rush] into, seek refuge (with a person) <<<
駆け付ける: kaketsukeru: hasten [rush] (to the spot), run up (to a person) <<<
駆る: karu: drive, urge on
駆り立てる: karitateru: drive, urge on <<<
Kanji words: 駆動 , 駆逐 , 駆引
Expressions: 衝動に駆られて , 衝動に駆られる , 好奇心に駆られて , 不安に駆られる

category: common usage
keyword: weapon
Number of strokes: 14
translation: tube
銃: juu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket, firearm
銃を構える: juuokamaeru: hold a rifle at the ready <<<
銃: koZutsu: rifle (jp.), gun, musket
Kanji words: 小銃 , 機銃 , 拳銃 , 銃士 , 銃砲
Expressions: 機関銃 , 連発銃 , 空気銃 , レーザー銃

category: common usage
keyword: material
Number of strokes: 14
translation: lacquer
漆: urushi: lacquer (n.), japan, lacquer tree
漆を塗る: urushionuru: lacquer (v.), japan <<<
漆塗りの: urushinurino: lacquered, japanned <<<
漆に気触れる: urushinikabureru: be poisoned with lacquer
Kanji words: 漆器 , 漆喰 , 漆黒

category: JIS1
keyword: tree
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hazel
榛: hashibami: hazel
榛の実: hashibaminomi: hazelnut <<<
榛: hari, hannnoki: black alder (jp.)

category: JIS1
keyword: tree
Number of strokes: 14
translation: hackberry, celtis, nettle tree
榎: hisagi
榎: enoki: Japanese hackberry (jp.)

category: JIS1
keyword: bird , fantasy
Number of strokes: 14
translation: phoenix, phenix
鳳: ootori
Kanji words: 金鳳花
related words: フェニックス

category: JIS1
keyword: color
Number of strokes: 14
translation: red, scarlet
緋: aka
緋の衣: hinokoromo: crimson robe <<<
Kanji words: 緋色
related words: , スカーレット

category: JIS1
keyword: insect
Number of strokes: 14
translation: spider
蜘: kumo
Kanji words: 蜘蛛

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