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Page number: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
Direct access: 強壮 , 虚弱 , 禁煙 , 緊張 , 筋力 , 具合 , 血気 , 血色 , 健康 , 健全


pronunciation: kyousou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health , sport
translation: fortification, health
強壮な: kyousouna: strong, stout, healthy
強壮にする: kyousounisuru: fortify
強壮剤: kyousouzai: tonic, analeptic <<<
synonyms: 健康


pronunciation: kyojaku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: weakness, infirmity
虚弱な: kyojakuna: weak, delicate, sickly
虚弱体質: kyojakutaishitsu: weak constitution


pronunciation: kinnen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: No smoking
禁煙する: kinnensuru: give up [stop, abstain from] smoking
禁煙席: kinnenseki: nonsmoking seat <<<
禁煙室: kinnenshitsu: nonsmoking room <<<
禁煙車: kinnensha: nonsmoking car [carriage] <<<
禁煙車両: kinnensharyou <<< 車両
構内禁煙: kounaikinnen: No smoking in the area <<< 構内
antonyms: 喫煙
related words: 煙草


pronunciation: kinchou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: strain, tension, seriousness, nervousness
緊張する: kinchousuru: be strained [tense, on the strain]
緊張した: kinchoushita: strained, tense, serious, nervous
緊張に欠く: kinchounikaku: lack seriousness <<<
緊張を解す: kinchouohogusu: relax (v.), calm <<<
緊張感: kinchoukan: suspense, nervousness <<<
related words: サスペンス


pronunciation: kinryoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: muscular power, physical strength


pronunciation: guai
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: condition, state, shape, circumstances, health, way, manner, fitness
具合が良い: guaigaii, guaigayoi: be in good order, work well [smoothly], be [feel] well, be convenient, fit well <<<
具合が悪い: guaigawarui: be out of order, be [feel] unwell [ill], be inconvenient, do not fit <<<
具合良く: guaiyoku: luckily, conveniently, satisfactorily <<<
具合悪く: guaiwaruku: unluckily, at the wrong moment, inopportunely, inconveniently <<<
不具合: huguai: bad condition [state, shape], unfitness <<<
懐具合: hutokoroguai: one's financial circumstances <<<


pronunciation: kekki
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: physical vigor, youthful ardor
血気盛んの: kekkisakannno: hot-blooded, sanguine, lusty <<<
血気盛りだ: kekkisakarida: be in the prime of life, be full of youthful ardor
血気に逸る: kekkinihayaru: be driven by youthful ardor, act with impetuosity <<<


pronunciation: kesshoku
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: complexion
血色が良い: kesshokugaii, kesshokugayoi: have a healthy complexion, look well <<<
血色が悪い: kesshokugawarui: have a sickly complexion, look unwell <<<
related words: 顔色


pronunciation: kenkou
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: health
健康な: kenkouna: healthy, sound, wholesome
健康である: kenkoudearu: enjoy [be in] good health, be [feel] all right, be healthy
健康に良い: kenkouniii, kenkouniyoi: healthful, good for the health, wholesome <<<
健康に悪い: kenkouniwarui: unhealthful, bad for the health, unwholesome <<<
健康を害する: kenkouogaisuru: injure [ruin] one's health <<<
健康を害している: kenkouogaishiteiru: be in bad [poor] health, be out of health (condition)
健康地: kenkouchi: healthy place, health resort <<<
健康食品: kenkoushokuhin: healthy food <<< 食品
健康状態: kenkoujoutai: condition of one's health <<< 状態
健康診断: kenkoushindan: medical checkup <<< 診断
健康診断書: kenkoushindansho: medical certificate <<<
健康相談: kenkousoudan: health consultation <<< 相談
健康保険: kenkouhoken: health insurance <<< 保険
健康保険証: kenkouhokenshou: health insurance card <<<
related words: 達者 , 丈夫 , 健全


pronunciation: kenzen
kanji characters: ,
keyword: health
translation: health
健全な: kenzennna: healthy, wholesome, sound
健全な身体に健全な精神: kenzennnashintainikenzennnaseishin: Sound mind in a sound body
健全財政: kenzensaisei: sound finance, balanced budget <<< 財政
related words: 健康

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