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category: to learn in school
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 10
translation: come [get] back, return, leave, send back, get married (man worked in the wife's home before marriage)
帰る: kaeru: return (v.), come [get] back [home], go (away), leave, be off, hurry off
帰す: kaesu: send ( a person) back (to)
帰り: kaeri: return (n.)
帰りが早い: kaerigahayai: come back early, be early in coming home <<<
帰りが遅い: kaerigaosoi: come back late, be late in coming home <<<
帰りを急ぐ: kaerioisogu: hurry back <<<
帰り掛けに: kaerigakeni: just as one leaves, on one's way home [back] <<<
帰ぐ: totsugu: get married <<<
帰る: okuru: present (vt.) <<<
Kanji words: 帰国 , 帰化 , 帰省 , 帰京 , 帰属 , 帰宅 , 帰任 , 復帰 , 不如帰 , 日帰り , 帰還 , 御帰り , 回帰
Expressions: 土に帰る , 里に帰る , 逃げ帰る , 家に帰る , 無に帰する , 持ち帰る , 連れ帰る , 外国から帰る , 手中に帰する , 戦地から帰る , 原点に帰る , 旅行から帰る , 旅先から帰る , 冷静に帰る , 先祖帰り , 国元へ帰る , 故郷に帰る , 職場に帰る , 実家に帰る , 水泡に帰する

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: auxiliary, assist, add, accompany
huku, huu
副う: sou: assist, accompany <<< 沿 ,
副える: soeru: add, accompany <<<
副: utsushi: copy <<<
副く: saku: divide <<<
Kanji words: 副詞
Expressions: 副作用 , 副領事 , 副総裁 , 副睾丸 , 副収入 , 副都心 , 副都心部 , 副成分 , 副社長 , 副大統領 , 副操縦士 , 副会長 , 副知事 , 副産物 , 副専攻

category: to learn in school
keyword: medicine
Number of strokes: 12
translation: wound, injury, hurt, begin (bor.), start, commence, create, invent
創: kizu: wound, injury, hurt <<<
創める: hajimeru: begin (vt.), start, commence, open, set up, set out, initiate <<<
創る: tsukuru: make, manufacture, produce, create, construct, invent <<<
Kanji words: 創立 , 絆創膏 , 創作 , 創業 , 独創 , 創造 , 創意 , 創刊

category: to learn in school
keyword: mathematics
Number of strokes: 12
translation: break, smash, crack, split, chop, cut, divide, division (arithmetic operation)
割る: waru: break (vt.), smash, crack, split, chop, cut, divide, mix (with water), dilute
割く: saku: tear, split, rend <<<
割れる: wareru: break (vi.)
割: wari: proportion, percent, profit, allotment
割の良い: warinoii, warinoyoi: advantageous <<<
割の悪い: warinowarui: disadvantageous <<<
割に合わない: wariniawanai: do not pay <<<
の割りに: nowarini: in consideration of, in view of, considering
割を食う: wariokuu: be placed at a disadvantage <<<
割り切る: warikiru: give a clear solution (for), take a clear-cut attitude (on) <<<
割り切れる: warikireru: be divisible <<<
割り切れない: warikirenai: be indivisible, be unconvincing, leave some room for doubt <<<
割り込む: warikomu: cut in, wedge [squeeze, thrust] oneself in [between], break into, intrude into <<<
割り出す: waridasu: calculate, deduce, infer <<<
Kanji words: 割符 , 割算 , 割譲 , 割合 , 分割 , 学割 , 割礼 , 割当 , 割烹 , 役割 , 割れ目 , 割引 , 割箸 , 割高
Expressions: 卵を割る , 年の割に , 票が割れる , 尻が割れる , 口を割る , 薪を割る , 水で割る , 戸別割 , 定員割れ , 場所割り , 仲間割れ , 仲間割れする , 胡桃を割る , 胡桃割り , 時間割

category: to learn in school
keyword: show
Number of strokes: 15
translation: violent, extreme, theater (conf.), drama
劇: geki: drama, theater
劇を書く: gekiokaku: write a drama [play] <<<
劇を演じる: gekioenjiru: give [stage] a play <<<
劇の: gekino: dramatic, theatrical
劇しい: hageshii: violent (a.) <<<
Kanji words: 劇的 , 劇場 , 劇薬 , 観劇 , 演劇 , 悲劇 , 喜劇 , 劇団
Expressions: 放送劇 , 野外劇 , 西部劇 , 古典劇 , 茶番劇 , 無言劇 , 近代劇 , 舞台劇 , 童話劇 , 人形劇 , 時代劇 , 問題劇

category: common usage
keyword: farming
Number of strokes: 4
translation: cut, clip, harvest, crop
gai, kai
刈: kari: harvest (n.), crop
刈上げる: kariageru: cut a person's hair short, shingle <<<
刈る: karu: harvest (v.), crop, cut, clip
Kanji words: 芝刈
Expressions: 草を刈る , 髪を刈る , 稲を刈る , 鎌で刈る , 柴を刈る , 兵隊刈り , 雑草を刈る , 坊主刈り , 羊毛を刈る

category: common usage
keyword: justice
Number of strokes: 6
translation: punishment, penalty, sentence, law, rule
kei, gyou
刑を科する: keiokasuru: condemn (a person) to a penalty, sentence (v.) <<<
刑に処する: keinishosuru <<<
刑に服する: keinihukusuru: serve [submit to] one's sentence <<<
刑: nori: law, order, rule <<< ,
刑: shioki: punishment, penalty, sentence (n.) <<< 仕置
刑る: kubikiru: decapitate
Kanji words: 減刑 , 刑事 , 刑法 , 処刑 , 流刑 , 刑期 , 死刑 , 刑務所
Expressions: 終身刑 , 刑の軽減 , 刑を軽減する , 罰金刑 , 刑を執行する

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 8
translation: stab, prick, pierce, stick, bite, sting, sew, stitch
shi, seki
刺す: sasu: stab, prick, pierce, stick, bite, sting, sew, stitch, put [touch] out (in baseball), throw out
Kanji words: 風刺 , 刺青 , 刺繍 , 刺激 , 刺客 , 刺身 , 名刺 , 穿刺
Expressions: 突き刺す , 櫛を刺す , 蜂に刺される , 蚊に刺される , 串に刺す , 釘を刺す , 針で刺す

category: common usage
keyword: travel
Number of strokes: 8
translation: arrive, reach, attain
到る: itaru: go [come] (to), get (to), arrive (at, in), reach, extend (to), cover, come to do, end [result] (in)
Kanji words: 到達 , 到着 , 殺到 , 到底 , 到来

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 9
translation: shave, plane, whittle, scrape, chip, pare, sharpen, erase, delete, curtail, reduce, slash
saku, shou
削る: kezuru: shave, plane, whittle, scrape, chip, pare, sharpen, strike [cross] out, erase, delete, curtail, reduce, slash
削げる: sogeru: splinter, split (off)
Kanji words: 削除 , 添削 , 削減
Expressions: 鎬を削る , 鉛筆を削る , 鉛筆削り , 鰹節削り , 食欲を削ぐ , 興味を削ぐ

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