Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: disaster
Number of strokes: 11
translation: help, rescue, aid, relief, salvation
救う: sukuu: help (v.), rescue
救い: sukui: help (n.), aid, rescue, relief, salvation, redemption
救いを求める: sukuiomotomeru: ask for help, seek salvation <<<
救い出す: sukuidasu: help (a person) out of (a difficulty), rescue from, save (a person, a thing) from <<<
救いの手を差し伸べる: sukuinoteosashinoberu: give [lend] (a person) a helping hand
救い難い: sukuigatai: cannot be helped, be past all hope <<<
救い様が無い: sukuiyouganai
Kanji words: 救急 , 救出 , 救援 , 救済 , 救助 , 救命 , 救世
Expressions: 急を救う , 命を救う

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