Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: organs
Number of strokes: 10
translation: vein, nerve, sequence, succession
myaku, baku
脈: myaku: pulse (jp.), pulsation, hope
脈が速い: myakugahayai: One's pulse is quick <<<
脈が弱い: myakugayowai: One's pulse is feeble [weak] <<<
脈が無い: myakuganai: be hopeless, There is no hope (left) <<<
脈を取る: myakuotoru: feel a person's pulse <<<
脈を診る: myakuomiru <<<
脈を打つ: myakuoutsu: pulsate, throb, The pulse beats <<<
脈: suji: vein, nerve <<<
Kanji words: 山脈 , 脈々 , 動脈 , 鉱脈 , 静脈 , 人脈

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