Japanese display

category: to learn in school
keyword: food
Number of strokes: 15
translation: ripe, mature
熟る: niru: cook <<<
熟れる: ureru: become ripe, mature
熟れた: ureta: ripe, matured
熟る: minoru: bear fruit <<<
熟す: konasu: digest, manage (to do), master
熟れる: konareru
熟れ: konare: digestion
熟れが良い: konaregaii, konaregayoi: easy of digestion, easily digested <<<
熟れが悪い: konaregawarui: hard of digestion, not easily digested <<<
熟: tsuratsura: deeply, carefully
熟: nigi: soft (pref., jp.)
Kanji words: 未熟 , 早熟 , 成熟 , 円熟 , 熟成 , 熟年 , 熟練 , 熟読 , 熟達
Expressions: 使い熟す , 数で熟す , 読み熟す , 腹熟しに

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