Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: full moon, hope (bor.), wish, desire, bid
bou, mou
望む: nozomu: hope (vt.), wish, desire
望み: nozomi: hope (n.), wish, desire, expectation, ambition, aspiration, chance, prospect, likelihood
望みを抱く: nozomioidaku: cherish [entertain] a desire <<<
望みを遂げる: nozomiotogeru: realize one's desire [wishes] <<<
望みを叶える: nozomiokanaeru: fulfill a person's wishes <<<
望みを捨てる: nozomiosuteru: abandon one's hope <<<
望みを捨てない: nozomiosutenai: cling to one's hope <<<
望みの有る: nozominoaru: hopeful, promising <<<
望みの無い: nozominonai: hopeless, desperate <<<
望み通りの: nozomidoorino: just as one wishes, up to one's expectation <<<
望: mochi: full moon <<< 満月
Kanji words: 絶望 , 切望 , 熱望 , 望遠 , 望遠鏡 , 失望 , 希望 , 志望 , 欲望 , 展望 , 待望 , 願望 , 眺望 , 信望 , 本望
Expressions: 待ち望む , 高い望み , 儚い望み

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