Japanese display

category: to learn in school
Number of strokes: 11
translation: question, inquire, give (ext.)
mon, bun
問う: tou: ask (a person a matter), question, put a question to, inquire
問い: toi: question (n.), inquiry
問いを発する: toiohassuru: put a question to (a person), ask (a person) question, ask a question of (a person) <<<
問いを掛ける: toiokakeru <<<
問い返えす: toikaesu: ask back, ask again <<<
問い質す: toitadasu: inquire (of a person about a matter), question (a person about a matter) <<<
問い詰める: toitsumeru: cross-question, press (a person) for an answer <<<
問れ: otozure: advent, arrival <<<
問: ton: wholesaler (jp.)
Kanji words: 検問 , 質問 , 疑問 , 問責 , 顧問 , 学問 , 問合せ , 拷問 , 訪問 , 問答 , 尋問 , 難問 , 問題 , 慰問 , 問屋
Expressions: 性別を問わず , 年齢を問わず , 責任を問う , 男女を問わず , 安否を問う , 民意を問う

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