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category: to learn in school
keyword: show
Number of strokes: 7
translation: art, performance, technique
gei, un
芸の無い: geinonai: talentless, untalented, dilettante, amateurish, incompetent <<<
芸を磨く: geiomigaku: cultivate the art <<<
芸は身を助ける: geiwamiotasukeru: Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor
芸が細い: geigakomakai: have an elaborate way of acting <<<
芸: waza: art, performance, technique, feat, trick, stunt <<<
芸: nori: rule, standard <<<
Kanji words: 芸名 , 工芸 , 手芸 , 芸者 , 園芸 , 曲芸 , 芸能 , 芸術 , 陶芸 , 芸人
Expressions: 名人芸 , 旦那芸 , 素人芸

category: common usage
Number of strokes: 7
translation: welcome, greet
gei, gyou
迎える: mukaeru: meet, go (out) to meet, welcome (v.), great, receive, invite, call in
迎え: mukae: going (out) to meet, welcome (n.), reception
迎えに行く: mukaeniiku: go to meet, go for <<<
迎えに遣る: mukaeniyaru: send (a person) for <<<
迎えに来る: mukaenikuru: come [call] for (a person) <<<
迎え入れる: mukaeireru: show [usher] (a person) in <<<
迎え撃つ: mukaeutsu: meet [encounter] the enemy <<<
Kanji words: 歓迎 , 迎撃
Expressions: 妻に迎える , 年を迎える , 客を迎える , 意を迎える , 笑顔で迎える , 終幕を迎える , 新年を迎える

category: common usage
keyword: animal
Number of strokes: 19
translation: whale
鯨: kujira
Kanji words: 捕鯨
Expressions: ミンク鯨

category: JIS1
keyword: religion
Number of strokes: 13
translation: go, come, arrive, reach
kei, gei
詣る: itaru: go [come] (to), get (to), arrive (at, in), reach <<< ,
詣でる: mouderu: visit a temple [shrine] (jp.), go and worship (at) <<<
Kanji words: 初詣 , 参詣

category: JIS2
Number of strokes: 13
translation: glare, stare
睨む: niramu: glare [look daggers] (at), spot, keep an eye on, know by intuition, judge, estimate
睨み: nirami: glare (n.), stare, authority, influence
睨みが効く: niramigakiku: have great influence [power] (over) <<<
睨み合い: niramiai: feud, enmity, hostility <<<
睨み合う: niramiau: glare at each other, watch each other, be at odds [variance, outs] with each other <<<
睨み合わせる: niramiawaseru: compare A with B, take into consideration <<<
睨み返す: niramikaesu: glare back (at a person), return a sharp look <<<
睨み付ける: niramitsukeru: glare (at), look angrily (at) <<<

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