Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of '行為'

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pronunciation: koui   kanji characters: ,   
translation: action, act (n.), deed (n.), behavior, conduct
行為する: kouisuru: act (v.), behave
行為に現す: kouiniarawasu: put into action <<<
行為者: kouisha: actor <<<
行為能力: kouinouryoku: legal competence, capacity to contract <<< 能力
商行為: shoukoui: commercial transaction <<<
性行為: seikoui: sexual intercourse <<<
山賊行為: sanzokukoui: brigandage <<< 山賊
犯罪行為: hanzaikoui: criminal act <<< 犯罪
暴力行為: bouryokukoui: act of violence <<< 暴力
単独行為: tandokukoui: individual act <<< 単独
猥褻行為: waisetsukoui: indecent act <<< 猥褻
野蛮な行為: yabannnakoui: barbarous act, barbarity <<< 野蛮
一方行為: ippoukoui: unilateral act <<< 一方
汚職行為: oshokukoui: corrupt practice <<< 汚職
不倫な行為をする: hurinnnakouiosuru: misconduct oneself <<< 不倫
統治行為: touchikoui: act of the state <<< 統治
無償行為: mushoukoui: gratuitous act <<< 無償
海賊行為: kaizokukoui: piracy <<< 海賊
不法行為: huhoukoui: illegal act, illegality <<< 不法
裏切行為: uragirikoui: act of treachery, double cross <<< 裏切
訴訟行為: soshoukoui: acts of procedure <<< 訴訟
違法行為: ihoukoui: illegal [unlawful] act, malfeasance <<< 違法
不正行為: huseikoui: dishonest act, cheating, sleaze <<< 不正
スパイ行為: supaikoui: espionage <<< スパイ
テロ行為: terokoui: act of terror, terrorist act <<< テロ
check also 行動 , 仕業

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