Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'gun'

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Direct access: 銃砲 , 鉄砲 , 拳銃 , 吹矢 , 火薬 , 機関 , 機銃 , 距離 , 空気 , 高射砲


pronunciation: juuhou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: firearms, guns*****
銃砲店: juuhouten: gun shop <<<
銃砲取締法: juuhoutorishimarihou: gun-control law


pronunciation: teppou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: gun
鉄砲を撃つ: teppououtsu: shoot a gun <<<
鉄砲を担ぐ: teppouokatsugu: shoulder the gun <<<
鉄砲玉: teppoudama: bullet <<<
鉄砲傷: teppoukizu: bullet [gunshot] wound <<<
鉄砲水: teppoumizu: flash flood <<< , 洪水
無鉄砲な: muteppouna: daredevil, devil-may-care, reckless, foolhardy <<<
無鉄砲に: muteppouni: recklessly, foolhardily
check also 拳銃 , ピストル


pronunciation: kenjuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: pistol, revolver, gun (n.), handgun
拳銃を撃つ: kenjuuoutsu: gun (v.) <<<
拳銃を向ける: kenjuuomukeru: level [point, aim] a revolver at <<<
拳銃強盗: kenjuugoutou: holdup <<< 強盗
check also 鉄砲 , ピストル


pronunciation: hukiya   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 吹き矢   keyword: weapon   
translation: blowgun, blowpipe*****


pronunciation: kayaku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: gunpowder, explosive*****
火薬庫: kayakuko: powder magazine <<<
火薬製造所: kayakuseizoujo: powder mill


pronunciation: kikan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: transport , administration   
translation: machinery, organ, organization
機関銃: kikanjuu: machine gun <<< , 機銃
機関士: kikanshi: engineer, engine driver <<<
機関長: kikanchou: chief engineer <<<
機関室: kikanshitsu: engine room <<<
機関員: kikannin: stoker <<<
機関部: kikanbu: machine department <<<
機関紙: kikanshi: organ magazine, bulletin <<<
機関雑誌: kikanzasshi <<< 雑誌
機関車: kikansha: locomotive, engine <<<
機関庫: kikanko: engine house, roundhouse <<<
機関車庫: kikanshako <<< 車庫
check also エンジン


pronunciation: kijuu   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: machine gun
機銃掃射: kijuusousha: machine-gunning <<< 掃射
機銃掃射する: kijuusoushasuru: machine-gun (v.), strafe


pronunciation: kyori   kanji characters: ,    keyword: geography , sport   
translation: distance (n.), separation
距離を置く: kyoriooku: maintain a distance <<<
距離を保つ: kyoriotamotsu <<<
距離が有る: kyorigaaru: be distant [far], there is a gap <<<
距離を測る: kyoriohakaru: measure [calculate] the distance <<<
距離計: kyorikei: rangefinder <<<
距離標: kyorihyou: milestone, distance post <<<
距離感: kyorikan: sense of distance <<<
短距離: tankyori: short distance (race) <<<
短距離競走: tankyorikyousou: short-distance race, sprint <<< 競走 , スプリント
近距離: kinkyori: short distance <<<
長距離: choukyori: long distance (race) <<<
長距離競走: choukyorikyousou: long-distance race, marathon race <<< 競走 , マラソン
長距離砲: choukyorihou: long-range gun <<<
長距離電話: choukyoridenwa: long-distance telephone [call], trunk-call <<< 電話
遠距離: enkyori: long [great] distance <<<


pronunciation: kuuki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: physics   
translation: air, atmosphere, mood
空気の: kuukiono: aerial, atmospheric
空気入りの: kuukiirino: pneumatic, inflated <<<
空気入れ: kuukiire: air pump
空気ポンプ: kuukiponpu
空気の無い: kuukinonai: vacuous <<<
空気を通す: kuukiotoosu: ventilate <<<
空気を抜く: kuukionuku: deflate <<<
空気圧: kuukiatsu: air pressure <<<
空気孔: kuukikou: air hole <<<
空気銃: kuukijuu: popgun, air gun <<<
空気枕: kuukimakura: air cushion <<<
空気冷却: kuukireikyaku: air cooling <<< 冷却
空気抵抗: kuukiteikou: air resistance <<< 抵抗
空気伝染: kuukidensen: air contagion <<< 伝染
空気清浄機: kuukiseijouki: air cleaner
synonyms: 大気 , エア
check also 雰囲気


pronunciation: koushahou   kanji characters: , ,    keyword: weapon   
translation: antiaircraft gun

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