Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'be'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: house    nb of strokes: 8
translation: live, stay, inhabit, interrogative (bor., suff.)
kyo, ki
居る: iru, oru: be, exist, there is [are], be found, live, stay, inhabit, be present
居らっしゃい: irasshai: Walk up! Welcome!
居たたまれない: itatamarenai: be unable to stay (on)
居: idokoro: whereabouts, dwelling place
居直る: inaoru: sit up, change one's attitude, take a threatening attitude <<<
居並ぶ: inarabu: sit in a row, b epresent
居: ya: interrogative (suff.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: kids    nb of strokes: 11
translation: give birth to, bear a child, be livered of (a baby), breed, lay eggs, spawn, produce, bring forth, yield
産む: umu: give birth to, bear a child, be livered of (a baby), breed, lay eggs, spawn, produce, bring forth, yield
産れ: umare: birth, origin <<<
産み落とす: umiotosu: give birth to, be delivered of (a baby), drop (a animal's baby)
産み出す: umidasu: produce, bring forth, yield
産: ubu: pref. for birth (jp.)

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: catch, have to do with, be concerned
kou, ku
拘える: toraeru: catch <<<
拘る: kakawaru: have to do with, be concerned in <<< ,
拘む: nazumu: stickle, stick to
拘る: kodawaru: stickle, stick to, dwell on [upon]
拘り: kodawari: stickling, stick
拘りを感じる: kodawariokanjiru: feel reluctant [restrained] <<<
拘り無く: kodawarinaku: without a hitch, smoothly <<<
拘りが無い: kodawariganai: easy, accommodating, conciliatory <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: be frightened [sacred], cower, recoil, flinch, shrink, wince
怯える: obieru: be frightened [scared] (at), have a nightmare
怯えさせる: obiesaseru: frighten, scare, daunting, intimidating
怯ける: ojikeru: be frightened [scared] (at), grow timid, get into a funk, cower, shrink [recoil] (from) <<<
怯む: hirumu: flinch (from), shrink (from), wince (under, at), lose heart (at), be overpowered (by)

category: to learn in school   other spells: 1   radicals:    keyword: number    nb of strokes: 1
translation: a, one, first
ichi, itsu
一め: hajime: beginning, start <<<
一: hito: one
一つ: hitotsu: one (n.)
一つの: hitotsuno: one (a.), same
一つにする: hitotsunisuru: unite, combine, join, make (things) into one, confuse, make no distinction between
一つには: hitotsuniha: on the one hand
一つに成る: hitotsuninaru: become one, be united <<<
一つに成って: hitotsuninatte: in a body <<<
一つ一つ: hitotsuhitotsu: one at a time, one by one, individually, separately
一つ残らず: hitotsunokorazu: to the very last, without exception
一から十まで: ichikarajuumade: from beginning to end, in everything <<< , 全部
一も二も無く: ichimonimonaku: without hesitation, readily, flatly, willingly

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: transport    nb of strokes: 2
translation: enter, insert, in, into
nyuu, ju
入る: hairu: enter, go [come, get, step] in [into], let oneself in, break [force one's way] into, participate in, hold, contain, be included, accommodate, have an income of, score
入らせる: hairaseru: admit, let (a person) into
入れる: ireru: put in [into], pour in, pack in, let in, insert, set in, accommodate, include, listen to, accept, grant, hire, employ
入る: iru: necessary (jp.)
入り: iri: income (jp.)
入: shio: unit of the dyeing (jp.)
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: mechanics    nb of strokes: 2
translation: force, power, strive
riki, ryoku
力: chikara: power, force (n.), strength, energy, spirit, vigor, efforts, aid, help, assistance, support, endeavors, ability, faculty
力が強い: chikaragatsuyoi: be strong, be of great strength
力が弱い: chikaragayowai: be weak, be of little strength
力が尽きる: chikaragatsukiru: be exhausted [tired out]
力が抜ける: chikaraganukeru: One's strength is gone [gives out] <<<
力の有る: chikaranoaru: powerful, energetic, vigorous, mighty, strong, sinewy, able, capable, talented
力の無い: chikaranonai: powerless, weak, spiritless, incapable, without ability <<< , 無能
力を出す: chikaraodasu: put forth one's strength
力を振る: uchikaraohuruu <<<
力を落す: chikaraootosu: be discouraged [disheartened, disappointed]
力を尽くす: chikaraotsukusu: make efforts, exert oneself, endeavor (to do)
力める: tsutomeru: make an effort, strive <<<
力む: rikimu: strain
check also , パワー , エネルギー

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: family    nb of strokes: 3
translation: child, kid, mouse (zod., bor.), midnight
shi, su
子: ko: child, kid, infant, baby, offspring, boy, son, daughter, girl (suff., jp.)
子が無い: koganai: be childless, have no children [issue], be barren <<<
子を産む: kooumu: bear [give birth to] a child, bring forth the young <<<
子: otoko: boy, son <<<
子: mi: seed <<<
子: ne: mouse (zod.), midnight <<<
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 3
translation: top, up, upper, above, superior, high, noble
jou, shou
上げる: ageru: raise, lift (up), elevate, hold up, hoist, fly, land, unload, promote, increase, raise, give (pol.) offer, present, do for a person <<< ,
上がる: agaru: go [come] up (to), rise, jump up (on), go up, climb, soar, advance, be promoted, be completed [finished], come to an end [a finish], be sufficient, come in, walk in, enter, improve, make progress, produce, achieve, accomplish, get nervous [excited]
上る: noboru: go up, come up, soar, mount <<<
上: ue: top, up, upper, above
上: kami: superior (n.)
上の: ueno: upper (a.), above, higher, larger, older, more, better, superior
上りの: noborino: uphill, up
上に: ueni: on, over, above, up, upward
上から: uekara: from above
上から下まで: uekarashitamade: from above to bottom
上の級: uenokyuu: upper class <<<
上の階: uenokai: upper floor [story], upstairs <<<
上の人: uenohito: one's superior, those above one <<<
上り詰める: noboritsumeru: go [ascend] up to the top

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 3
translation: big, great, large, grand, major, size, dimension, magnitude
dai, tai
大きい: ookii: big, great, large, grand, huge, gigantic, mighty, vast, spacious, bulky, loud
大きな: ookina
大いに: ooini: greatly, very
大め: hajime: beginning <<<
大きく: ookiku: greatly, on a large scale
大きくする: ookikusuru: enlarge, magnify, extend
大きく成る: ookikunaru: grow big [large], grow up, expand, become serious <<<
大きく出る: ookikuderu: show oneself generous, make a bold statement, bluff
大きさ: ookisani: size, dimension, magnitude, bulk, volume <<< サイズ
大きさに依って: ookisaniyotte: according to size <<<
大きさに従って: ookisanishitagatte <<<
大きさが違う: ookisagachigau: differ in size <<<
大きさが同じ: ookisaonaji: be equal in size <<<

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