Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'pji'

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category: to learn in school   other spells: 2   radicals:    keyword: number    nb of strokes: 2
translation: two, pair
ni, ji
二つ: hutatsu, huta
二つに分ける: hutatsuniwakeru: divide (a thing) in two [into two parts] <<<
二つ共: hutatsutomo: both, neither <<< , 両方
二つずつ: hutatsuzutsu: two at a time, by twos
二つと無い: hutatsutonai: only, unique, matchless <<<
二つ置きに: hutatsuokini: at every three, third place <<<
二たび: hutatabi: again <<<
二の次: ninotsugi: secondary, subordinate <<< , 二番
二の次にする: ninotsuginisuru: let (a matter) wait, put off, lay aside, postpone <<<
二の舞: ninomai: the same errors <<<
二の舞を演じる: ninomaioenjiru: commit the same errors (in), repeat a person's mistake [folly]
二の足: ninoashi: the second foot <<<
二の足を踏む: ninoashiohumu: hesitate (to do), recoil (from), hang back
二の腕: ninoude: upper arm <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 3
translation: clerk, master, warrior, soldier
shi, ji
士: samurai: warrior, soldier

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 5
translation: show, display, indicate, instruct, explain, demonstrate
shi, ji, ki, gi
示す: shimesu: show, point out, indicate, instruct, explain, demonstrate
示し: shimeshi: instruction, education
示し合わせる: shimeshiawaseru: arrange previously, conspire (with) <<<
示し合わせて: shimeshiawasete: in collusion (with a person) <<<
示しが付かない: shimeshigatsukanai: set a bad example (to a person), have no authorities (over) <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job    nb of strokes: 5
translation: serve
shi, ji
仕える: tsukaeru: serve, be in a person's service, wait on (a person)
仕る: tsukamatsuru: do (pol., jp.), perform
仕向ける: shimukeru: force (a person to do), egg on (a person to do) <<<
check also 使

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: buddhism    nb of strokes: 6
translation: public office, temple (before bonzes worked in an office)
寺: yakusho: public office <<< 役所
寺: tera: temple, church

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 6
translation: ear
耳: mimi: ear, edge, selvage, selvedge
耳が早い: mimigahayai: be quick of hearing <<<
耳が良い: mimigaii <<<
耳が遠い: mimigatooi: be hard of hearing <<<
耳が鳴る: mimiganaru: have a ringing [singing, buzzing] in one's ears, One's ears ring [sing] <<<
耳にする: miminisuru: hear <<<
耳に入る: miminihairu: learn, reach one's ears, come to one's knowledge <<<
耳に入れる: miminiireru: informer <<<
耳に残る: mimininokoru: ring [linger] in one's ear <<<
耳を貸す: mimiokasu: lend one's ear to <<<
耳を貸さない: mimiokasanai: give no ear to, turn a deaf ear to, won't listen to <<<
耳を澄ます: mimiosumasu: pick up [strain, cock] one's ears <<<
耳を欹てる: mimiosobadateru
耳が痛い: mimigaitai: have an earache, be ashamed to hear (it), tingle in one's ears <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: personally, naturally, oneself, due to (conf.)
ji, shi
自ら: mizukara: personally, oneself, in person
自ら進んで: mizukarasusunde: voluntarily, of one's own accord [free will] <<<
自ら: onozukara: naturally, of itself, spontaneously, automatically, involuntarily
自ずから明らか: onozukaraakiraka: self-evident <<<
自り: yori: due to, because of <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: grammar    nb of strokes: 6
translation: give birth, pseudonym of childhood, writing (ext.), letter (give birth to more complex letters), script, alphabet, character
字を書く: jiokaku: write <<<
字が書けない: jigakakenai: illiterate, analphabetic <<<
字を読む: jioyomu: read, decipher <<<
字む: umu: give birth <<<
字: moji: letter, alphabet, script <<< 文字
字: azana: pseudonym of childhood, courtesy name, nickname
字す: masu: increase (v.) <<<
字: aza: hamlet (jp.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: geography    nb of strokes: 6
translation: ground, soil, earth, land, place, spot, position
chi, ji
地の果て: chinohate: farthest end of the earth <<<
地の利を占める: chinorioshimeru: gain the advantage of position
地: tsuchi: soil <<<
地: tochi: land, territory <<< 土地

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 6
translation: stay, next (ext.), auxiliary, second
次ぐ: tsugu: follow, succeed
次: tsugi: following (who rests next)
次の: tsugino: next, following, coming, ensuing, adjoining, second
次の間: tsuginoma: next [adjoining] room, anteroom <<<
次の日: tsuginohi: the next day <<< , 翌日
次に: tsugini: next, secondly, in the next [second] place
次ず: tsuizu: make a sorting
次まる: todomaru: stay, take a rest
次る: yadoru: stay <<< 宿

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