Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'ý}oý}n'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: audio    nb of strokes: 9
translation: sound, noise, voice
on, in
音: oto: sound, noise, report,clatter
音を立てる: otootateru: make a noise <<<
音を立てて: otootatete: noisily <<<
音を立てないで: otootatenaide: noiselessly, stealthily <<<
音も無く: otomonaku <<<
音に聞こえた: otonikikoeta: well-known, widely known, notorious <<< , 有名
音: ne: sound (n.), music, note, melody <<< メロディー
音を出す: neodasu: sound (v.), ring <<<
音を上げる: neoageru: be floored, throw up the sponge, be at one's wit's end <<<
音の良い: nenoii, nenoyoi: melodious, harmonious <<<
音: koe: voice <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: kindness, favor, obligation
恩: on: kindness, favor, obligation, debt of gratitude
恩に着せる: onnnikiseru: demand gratitude (from), pose as benefactor (to) <<<
恩に着る: onnnikiru: be profoundly grateful (for), regard (a person) as one's benefactor <<<
恩に感じる: onnnikanjiru <<<
恩を仇で返す: onnoadadekaesu: return evil for good, bite the hand that feeds one
恩を施す: onnohodokosu: do (a person) a favor <<<
恩む: megumu: favor (v.), bless <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: drink    nb of strokes: 12
translation: drink, take a drink, swallow, gulp
in, on
飲む: nomu: drink, take, have, use, swallow, gulp down, smoke (a cigar, a cigarette), make nothing of, despise, accept, bear
飲まず食わずで: nomazukuwazude: without food or drink <<<
飲み明かす: nomiakasu: drink the night away, drink all night long <<<
飲み歩く: nomiaruku: drink at one place after another, paint the town red <<<
飲み込む: nomikomu: swallow, gulp down, understand, grasp (the meaning), learn (how to do) <<<
飲み過ぎる: nomisugiru: drink too much, overdrink (oneself) <<<
飲み潰れる: nomitsubureru: get [be] dead drunk, pass out <<<
飲み難い: nominikui: hard to drink, distasteful, nasty (medicine) <<<
飲み干す: nomihosu: drink up [off], drain (a cup), toss [quaff] off <<<
飲み易い: nomiyasui: pleasant to drink, easy to take <<<
飲める: nomeru: be good [fit] to drink, be drinkable

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 12
translation: hot, warm
on, un
温か: atataka
温かい: atatakai
温める: atatameru: warm up, heat (v.), reheat
温め直す: atatamenaosu: reheat, warm up again <<<
温まる: atatamaru: warm oneself, get warm
温か味: atatakami: warmth, heat, geniality <<<
温み: nukumi: (slight) warmth, lukewarmness
温もり: nukumori
温める: nukumeru: warm up
温まる: nukumaru: warm oneself, get warm
温もる: nukumoru
温い: nurui: tepid

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: garden    nb of strokes: 13
translation: garden, field
en, on
園: sono

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 13
translation: far, faraway, distant, remote
en, on
遠い: tooi
遠い昔に: tooimukashini: in a remote past, in olden times <<<
遠くに: tookuni: a long way off, far away [off], in the distance
遠くで: tookude
遠くから: tookukara: from a distance [a long way off, afar]
遠くに成る: tookuninaru: become [grow] distant <<<
遠く及ばない: tookuoyobanai: be no match for, be far inferior to <<<
遠からず: tookarazu: before long, soon, shortly, in the near future
遠ざかる: toozakaru: go away (from), recede (in the distance), die away, keep away (from), stand off, become estranged [alienated] (from)
遠ざける: toozakeru: keep (a person, a thing) at a distance, keep clear of, keep away (from), give (a person) a wide berth, drive off, alienate, shun, abstain from, keep off

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: shadow, shade, obscure, dark, secret, discreet
in, on
陰: kage: shadow, shade
陰で操る: kagedeayatsuru: pull the wires (from behind) <<<
陰で糸を引く: kagedeitoohiku
陰を付ける: kageotsukeru: shade, darken <<<
陰る: kageru: be obscured, darken
陰い: kurai: obscure, dark <<<
陰かな: hisokana: secret, discreet <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 12
translation: manage (horse), conduct, handle, govern (ext.), rule, reign
go, gyo
御う: atsukau: manage (horse), conduct, handle <<<
御める: osameru: govern, rule [reign] over, manage <<<
御: on, o: pref. of pol. (jp.)
御: mi

category: common usage   other spells: 隱   radicals:    nb of strokes: 14
translation: hide, conceal, retire, occult
in, on
隠す: kakusu: hide (vt.), conceal, screen, cover up, stash <<<
隠れる: kakureru: hide (vi.), disappear, retire, duck
隠る: yoru: lean, rest <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    keyword: weather    nb of strokes: 16
translation: quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful, gentle, moderate
穏やか: odayaka
穏やかな: odayakana
穏やかに: odayakani: quietly, calmly, peacefully
穏に成る: odayakaninaru: quiet [calm] down, fall <<<
穏やかならぬ: odayakanaranu: disquieting, threatening

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