Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'ý}ký}cý}aý}i'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: form, reciprocal (bor.), help
sou, shou
相: ai: reciprocal
相容れない: aiirenai: be incompatible with, disagree with <<<
相変わらず: aikawarazu: as usual [ever, before] <<<
相次ぐ: aitsugu: one after another, successive, in succession <<<
相次いで: aitsuide <<<
相反する: aihansuru: opposite, contrary, contradictory <<<
相ける: tasukeru: help, aid <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: love    nb of strokes: 13
translation: love, enamour, admire, affection, attachment
愛でる: mederu: love (v.), admire
愛しい: itoshii: darling, dear, loving
愛しむ: oshimu: value (v.), hold dear <<<
愛する: aisuru: love (v.), enamour, be fond of, be attached to, have affection [passion] for, care for, loving, affectionate, dear, beloved
愛しています: aishiteimasu: I love you
愛すべき: aisubeki: lovable
愛し合う: aishiau: love each other, be in love <<<
愛する子: aisuruko: one's beloved child <<<
愛する者: aisurumono: one's love, darling, dear one <<<
愛する夫: aisuruotto: one's dear husband <<<
愛する妻: aisurutsuma: one's dear wife <<<
愛の囁き: ainosasayaki: whispers of love, sweet nothings <<<
愛の印: ainoshirushi: love-token <<<
愛を捧げる: aiosasageru: devote one's love <<<
synonyms: , ラブ

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 14
translation: range of mountains (org.), edge, limit, space, associate (ext.)
際: kiwa: edge, limit, margin
際立つ: kiwadatsu: stand out (from, against), be conspicuous, be prominent, cut brilliant figure, attract <<<
際立った: kiwadatta: conspicuous, prominent, outstanding, striking, distinct, remarkable <<<
際立って: kiwadatte: conspicuously, in string contrast, remarkably, distinctly <<<
際わる: majiwaru: associate [mix] with <<<
際: ai: space, room
際: shio: occasion, chance

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 9
translation: sad, pathetic, pitiful, piteous, poor, miserable, wretched
哀しい: kanashii: sad, unhappy, sorrowful <<<
哀れ: aware: pity, compassion, sadness, pathos
哀れな: awarena: sad, pathetic, pitiful, piteous, poor, miserable, wretched, plaintive, forlorn
哀れむ: awaremu: feel pity for, take pity on, pity (v.)
哀れに思う: awareniomou <<<

category: common usage   radicals:    nb of strokes: 11
translation: scold, rebuke, reprimand
katsu, kachi, ai
喝る: shikaru: scold, rebuke, reprimand, call (a person) down, read (a person) a lecture

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: color    nb of strokes: 18
translation: indigo plant, indigo
藍: ai

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: hygiene    nb of strokes: 10
translation: dust, dirt
埃: chiri: dust <<<
埃: hokori: dust, dirt
埃っぽい: hokorippoi: dusty
埃だらけの: hokoridarakeno
埃塗れの: hokorimamireno <<<
埃が立つ: hokorigatatsu: be dusty, The dust is rising <<<
埃を立てる: hokoriotateru: make [raise] a cloud of dust <<<
埃を静める: hokorioshizumeru: lay the dust <<<
埃を払う: hokorioharau: dust (v.), brush <<<
埃を被る: hokoriokaburu: gather dust, take responsibility <<<
埃が溜まる: hokoridatamaru: Dust piles up <<<

category: JIS3   radicals:    keyword: health    nb of strokes: 16
translation: breath, breathing, respiration, belch
噯: iki: breath, breathing, respiration <<<
噯: okubi: belch (n.)
噯が出る: okubigaderu: belch (v.) <<<
噯にも出さない: okubinimodasanai: do not give the least hint of, keep mum (about) <<<

category: JIS2   radicals:    keyword: hygiene    nb of strokes: 18
translation: impurity, pollution, defilement, contamination, blot, stain, shame, unclean, filthy, dirty, defiled
ai, wai
穢れる: kegareru: be polluted [defiled, stained, desecrated, profaned]
穢れた: kegareta: unclean, filthy, dirty, defiled
穢れ: kegare: impurity, pollution, defilement, contamination, blot, stain, shame
check also


pronunciation: ai   etymology: eye (eg.)   keyword: cosmetic   
translation: eye
アイ・マスク: aimasuku: eye mask <<< マスク
アイ・ライン: airain: eyeline <<< ライン
アイ・ライナー: airainaa: eyeliner
アイ・シャドー: aishadoo: eye shadow

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