Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'ý}iý}ý}ý}[ý}u'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: word, say, speak, talk, tell
gen, gon, gin
言: koto: word, subject
言: kotoba: word <<< 言葉
言う: iu, yuu: say, speak, talk, tell, relate, mention, refer (to), declare, insist (on), assert, affirm, admit, confess, express, mean, call, name
言い当てる: iiateru: guess right, hit the nail on the head <<<
言い争う: iiarasou: bicker, quarrel, argue <<<
言い表す: iiarawasu: express, put (a matter) in words, describe <<<
言い返す: iikaesu: answer [talk] back, retort <<<
言い換える: iikaeru: say in other words, paraphrase <<<
言い掛ける: iikakeru: address (a person), speak to, start to say <<<
言い兼ねる: iikaneru: hesitate [find it hard] to say <<<
言い交わす: iikawasu: exchange vows <<<
言い聞かせる: iikikaseru: tell, instruct, persuade, advise, admonish <<<
言い切る: iikiru: say positively, declare, assert, finish saying <<<
言い包める: iikurumeru: quibble, explain away, mystify <<<
言い直す: iinaosu: correct oneself, restate <<<
言い難い: iinikui: hard to say, delicate <<<
言い紛らす: iimagirasu: equivocate, prevaricate, shuffle <<<
言うまでも無く: iumademonaku, yuumademonaku: of course <<< , 当然 , 勿論
言うに足らぬ: iunitaranu, yuunitaranu: trifling, insignificant <<<
言うに及ばない: iunioyobanai, yuunioyobanai: There is no need to say <<<
言うに及ばず: iunioyobazu, yuunioyobazu: not to speak of, to say nothing of, let alone <<<
言わぬが花: iwanugahana, yuwanugahana: The less said about it the better <<<
言わば: iwaba: as it were, in a sense, in short, in a word
言わずと知れた: iwazutoshireta: obvious <<<
synonyms: ,

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 4
translation: say, tell
云う: iu: it is said, they say
云く: iwaku
云: oki, kore, hito, tomo: pers.
check also

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 16
translation: transfer (orig.), say, tell, reason, cause, origin, think, believe
謂う: iu: say, tell <<<
謂れ: iware: reason, cause, history, origin <<< 根拠 , 理由
謂れ無い: iwarenai: unreasonable, unjustifiable, unfounded <<<
謂れ無く: iwarenaku: without any (good) reason <<<
謂う: omou: think, believe <<<

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