Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'ý}aý}ý}ý}n'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: travel    nb of strokes: 6
translation: way, go (ext.), carry out, deed
kou, gyou, an
行く: iku, yuku: go, go away, leave (for), frequent, attend, visit
行く春: ikuharu, yukuharu: departing spring <<<
行く秋: ikuaki, yukuaki: departing autumn <<<
行く年を送る: ikutoshiookuru, yukutoshiookuru: see the old year out
行き: iki, yuki: for, to
行き合う: ikiau, yukiau: meet on the way, come across, fall in with (a person) <<<
行き当たる: ikiataru, yukiataru: come [strike, bump] against <<< ,
行き当たりばったりの: ikiataribattarino, yukiataribattarino: haphazard, blind, hit-or-miss <<<
行き交う: ikikau, yukikau: come and go, pass [go] to and fro <<<
行き掛けに: ikigakeni, yukigakeni: on one's way (to a place) <<< , 途中
行き届く: ikitodoku, yukitodoku: be careful, be attentive, be scrupulous, be prudent, be complete, be thoroughgoing <<< , 完全
行き届かない: yukitodokanai: be careless, be inattentive, be thoughtless, be incomplete <<<
行る: meguru: come round <<<
行う: okonau: do, carry out, perform
行: michi: way, road <<<
check also ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 6
translation: peace, peaceful, tranquil, calm, why (bor.)
安い: yasui: peaceful, quiet, calm, cheap (jp.)
安んじる: yasunjiru: soothe, quiet (vt.), calm, be contented [satisfied] (with), rest assured, be at ease [rest]
安くんぞ: izukunzo: why
安く: yasuku: cheap, at a low price, at a bargain
安くする: yasukusuru: lower [drop] the price
安く売る: yasukuuru: sell (a thing) cheap, undercut <<<
安く買う: yasukukau: buy [get] (a thing) cheap <<<
安く見る: yasukumiru: underestimate, underrate, undervalue <<<
安く成る: yasukunaru: become cheaper, go down (in price), fall <<<
安っぽい: yasuppoi: cheap, tawdry, flashy, flippant, sleazy
安らぎ: yasuragi: tranquility, serenity, peace, calmness
安らぐ: yasuragu: calm down
安らかな: yasurakana: peaceful, tranquil, calm, free from anxiety [care]
安らかに: yasurakani: peacefully, tranquilly, calmly
安んじて: yasunjite: contentedly, in contentment, trustingly, at ease, in peace
安かろう悪かろう: yasukarouwarukarou: cheap and nasty <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: industry    nb of strokes: 10
translation: desk, desk, table, bureau, think (ext.), consider, bill, measure, proposal, suggestion, proposition, plan, project, schema, idea
案: an: bill, measure, proposal, suggestion, proposition, plan, project, schema, idea
案を出す: annodasu: make a proposal, propose <<<
案を立てる: annotateru: make a plan <<<
案の定: annnojou: as one (had) expected, as (was) expected <<<
案: tsukue: desk, table, bureau <<<
案える: kangaeru: think (about), consider <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 13
translation: dark, obscure, somber, black
暗い: kurai: dark, obscure, dim, gloomy
暗さ: kurasa: darkness, dimness, gloom
に暗い: nikurai: be ignorant (of), be a stranger (to)
暗く成る: kurakunaru: become [get] dark, darken <<<
暗くする: kurakusuru: darken, (make) dim
暗: yami: obscurity, darkness <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: fruit    nb of strokes: 7
translation: apricot, ginkgo nut
kyou, an
杏: anzu: apricot
杏の木: anzunoki: apricot tree <<<
synonyms: アプリコット

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: religion , nature    nb of strokes: 11
translation: hermitage, hermit's cell
庵: iori
庵を結ぶ: ioriomusubu: build a hermitage <<<

category: JIS1   radicals:    nb of strokes: 17
translation: close, cover, dark, dim, gloomy, somber
an, on
闇じる: tojiru: close, cover <<<
闇い: kurai: dark, dim, gloomy, somber <<<
闇: yami: obscurity (jp.), darkness
闇の中で: yaminonakade: in the dark <<<
闇に紛れて: yaminimagirete: under cover of darkness <<<
闇で売る: yamideuru: sell on [at] the black market <<<
闇で買う: yamidekau: buy on [at] the black market <<<
闇に葬る: yaminihoumuru: hush [smother] up (a matter) <<<


pronunciation: an   etymology: Anne (eg.)   keyword: name   
translation: Anne
アン・ステュアート: ansutyuaato: Anne Stuart
アン・ネヴィル: annneviru: Anne Neville
アン・ブーリン: anbuurin: Anne Boleyn
アン・ハイド: anhaido: Anne Hyde
赤毛のアン: akagenoan: Anne of Green Gables (a novel of Lucy Maud Montgomery, 1908) <<< 赤毛
ハワイアン: hawaian: Hawaiian music <<< ハワイ
check also アンナ

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