Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'as'

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Direct access: 感謝 , 看板 , 甘露 , 期待 , 気晴 , 希望 , 気儘 , 切上 , 議長 , 形式


pronunciation: kansha   kanji characters: ,    keyword: greeting   
translation: thanks, gratitude
感謝する: kanshasuru: thank (v.)
感謝している: kanshashiteiru: be grateful
感謝の印として: kanshanoshirushitoshite: as a token of gratitude <<<
感謝を込めて: kanshaokomete: in recognition of his [her, your] service <<<
感謝の言葉: kanshanokotoba: thankyou, thank-you note <<< 言葉
感謝の意を表す: kanshanoioarawasu: express one's gratitude (to a person for his kindness) <<< 謝意
感謝の気持ちを表す: kanshanokimochioarawasu
感謝状: kanshajou: letter of thanks, testimonial <<<
感謝祭: kanshasai: Thanksgiving Day <<<
synonyms: 御礼
check also 有難う


pronunciation: kanban   kanji characters: ,    other spells: カンバン   keyword: advertisement   
translation: sign, signboard, billboard, shingle, brass plate, closing time
看板を出す: kanbannodasu: put up a sign <<<
看板を掛ける: kanbannokakeru <<<
看板を降ろす: kanbannoorosu: withdraw a sign <<<
看板です: kanbandesu: It is time to close
看板屋: kanbannya: sign painter <<<
看板娘: kanbanmusume: star shop-girl <<<
看板に偽り無し: kanbannniitsuwarinashi: quite as good as they say
check also 広告


pronunciation: kanro   kanji characters: ,    keyword: confectionery   
translation: nectar, syrup, sirup
甘露の様な: kanronoyouna: sweet as nectar [honeydew], delicious <<<
甘露煮: kanroni: sweet-boiled fish dish <<<
synonyms: シロップ


pronunciation: kitai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: hope (n.), expectations, anticipation
期待する: kitaisuru: hope (v.), expect
期待して: kitaishite: in hopes of, in the hope that
期待通り: kitaidoori: as expected <<<
期待に添う: kitainisou: meet one's expectations <<<
期待に反して: kitainihanshite: contrary to one's expectations <<<
期待外れ: kitaihazure: disappointing <<<
期待を抱く: kitaioidaku: nourish [harbor, foster, cherish] a hope <<<
期待を抱かせる: kitaioidakaseru: promise to one
期待を掛ける: kitaiokakeru: hope much (from a person) <<<
期待を裏切る: kitaiouragiru: be not up to a person's expectation <<< 裏切
check also 希望 , 見込


pronunciation: kibarashi   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 気晴らし   keyword: amusement   
translation: diversion, recreation
気晴に: kibarashini: as a pastime, for diversion [recreation]
気晴に成る: kibarashininaru: serve as diversion <<<
気晴する: kibarashisuru: divert [relax] oneself, recreate oneself
check also 遊戯 , 休養 , レジャー


pronunciation: kibou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: wish (n.), hope, desire, aspiration, expectation, prospect, request, demand
希望する: kibousuru: wish (v.), hope, desire, aspire, expect, request
希望により: kibouniyori: according to one's wishes
希望通り: kiboudoori: as one wishes <<<
希望に反して: kibounihanshite: against [contrary to] one's wishes <<<
希望に生きる: kibouniikiru: live in hope <<<
希望に満ちる: kibounimichiru: hopeful, full of hope <<<
希望の無い: kibounonai: hopeless <<< , 絶望
希望に添う: kibounisou: meet a person's wishes <<<
希望を満たす: kibouomitasu <<<
希望を失う: kibououshinau: be driven to despair, abandon oneself to despair, yield to despair, lose hope <<<
希望を持つ: kibouomotsu: cherish [fuel] hopes, hold out hope <<<
希望者: kibousha: person who wishes, applicant, candidate <<<
希望条件: kiboujouken: terms desired <<< 条件
希望退職: kiboutaishoku: voluntary retirement <<< 退職
希望的観測: kiboutekikansoku: one's wishful thinking
check also 願望 , 期待


pronunciation: kimama   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 気まま  
translation: selfishness, self-interestedness, self-seeking
気儘勝手: kimamakatte <<< 勝手
気儘な: kimamana: willful, self-willed, selfish, carefree
気儘に: kimamani: as one chooses, at one's pleasure, at will
気儘にする: kimamanisuru: have one's own way, act as one pleases
気儘に振舞う: kimamanihurumau


pronunciation: kiriage   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 切り上   keyword: economy , mathematics   
translation: close (n.), stop, finish, revaluation
切上る: kiriageru: close (v.), stop, finish, cut short, wind up, revalue up, raise fractions to unit, count fractions as a whole number
antonyms: 切下


pronunciation: gichou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: politics   
translation: chairman, president, speaker
議長の: gichouno: presidential, of chairman
議長を選ぶ: gichouoerabu: elect a chairman <<<
議長に選ぶ: gichounierabu: elect a person as chairman
議長に選ばれる: gichounierabareru: be elected as chairman
議長を務める: gichouotsutomeru: preside over [act as chairman in] (a conference) <<<
議長に成る: gichouninaru: assume the chairmanship (of) <<<
議長職: gichoushoku: chairmanship, presidency <<<
議長選挙: gichousenkyo: election of a chairman <<< 選挙
check also 大統領 , 会長


pronunciation: keishiki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: science   
translation: form, rite
形式を重んじる: keishikioomonjiru: stick to forms <<<
形式的な: keishikitekina: formal, ritual, superficial <<<
形式上の: keishikijouno: as a matter of form <<<
形式を守る: keishikiomamoru: respect the form <<<
形式論理: keishikironri: formal logic <<< 論理
形式主義: keishikishugi: formalism <<< 主義
形式主義者: keishikishugisha: formalist <<<

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