Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'to'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: body    nb of strokes: 7
translation: foot, leg, sufficient (bor.), enough
soku, shoku, suu
足: ashi: foot, leg, limb, paw, step, pace
足の裏: ashinoura: sole of a foot <<<
足の甲: ashinokou: instep <<<
足の指: ashinoyubi: toe <<<
足を組む: ashiokumu: cross one's legs <<<
足を伸ばす: ashionobasu: stretch one's legs <<<
足が速い: ashigahayai: be swift of foot, be a fast walker <<<
足が遅い: ashigaosoi: be slow of foot, be a slow walker <<<
足が付く: ashigatsuku: give a clue to the police <<<
足を洗う: ashioarau: wash one's feet, quit a life of shame <<<
足を出す: ashiodasu: cannot make both ends meet
足りる: tariru: be sufficient, enough
足る: taru
足す: tasu: add <<<
足しに成る: tashininaru: help (v.), be useful <<<
足しにする: tashinisuru: supply, supplement
足: taru, tari, nari, mitsu, yuki: pers.
check also ,

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 7
translation: forget,
忘れる: wasureru: forget, dismiss (a matter) from one's mind, put (a matter) out of one's mind, think no more of, leave (a thing) behind, forget to bring [take] (a thing)
忘れて: wasurete: oblivious
忘れずに: wasurezuni: without forgetting, without fail
忘れられる: wasurerareru: be forgotten, be buried
忘れられない: wasurerarenai: unforgettable, cannot put (a matter) out of one's mind
忘れ難い: wasuregatai <<<
忘れっぽい: wasureppoi: be forgetful (of), have a poor [bad, short] memory

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: politics    nb of strokes: 7
translation: rend, decide (bor.), fix, arrange, settle
決して: kesshite: never, by no means, no at all, not in the least, on no account, in no way
決く: saku: rend, tear <<<
決める: kimeru: decide, fix, arrange, settle (a matter), be resolved [determined] (to do), make up one's mind (to do), choose, define, set, fix, appoint
決まる: kimaru: be decided
決め付ける: kimetsukeru: scold, take (a person) to task <<<
決まり切った: kimarikitta: regular, fixed, hackneyed, conventional, quite plain, clear as day, indisputable, self-evident <<<

category: to learn in school   other spells: 體   radicals:    keyword: body , medicine    nb of strokes: 7
translation: body, main part
tai, tei
体: karada: body, physique, constitution, frame, health
体の: karadano: bodily, physical
体の大きい: karadanoookii: large-sized, of large figure <<<
体の小さい: karadanochiisai: small-sized, short <<<
体中に: karadajuuni: all over the body <<<
体が弱い: karadagayowai: have a weak constitution <<< , 病弱
体が続かない: karadagatsuZukanai: be not physically strong enough
体が悪い: karadagawarui: feel unwell <<<
体に悪い: karadaniwarui: be bad for the health <<<
体に良い: karadaniii: be good for the health <<<
体に障る: karadanisawaru: affect one's health <<<
体を壊す: karadaokowasu: hurt [injure] one's health <<<
体が空いている: karadagaaiteiru: be free, be not engaged, have time to spare <<<
synonyms: , ボディー

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: position    nb of strokes: 8
translation: bottom, bed
底: soko
底が抜ける: sokoganukeru: The bottom falls [comes] out <<<
底を抜く: sokoonuku: knock the bottom out <<<
底に着く: sokonitsuku: touch ground <<<
底を突く: sokootsuku: hit [reach] the bottom <<<
底の無い: sokononai: bottomless <<<
底無しの: sokonashino <<<
底の知れない: sokonoshirenai: bottomless, fathomless, mysterious <<<
底知れぬ: sokoshirenu <<<
底の底まで: sokonosokomade: to the bottom
底ぞ: nanzo: why <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: food    nb of strokes: 8
translation: taste, flavor
mi, bi
味: aji: taste (n.)
味の有る: ajinoaru: tasteful <<<
味の無い: ajinonai: tasteless, flavorless <<<
味が良い: ajigaii, ajigayoi: taste good [nice], be palatable [delicious] <<<
味が悪い: ajigawarui: taste bad, be unpalatable [unsavory] <<<
味が解る: ajigawakaru: be able to appreciate
味が変わる: ajigakawaru: become stale, turn sour <<<
味が抜ける: ajiganukeru: lose flavor, become tasteless [flat] <<<
味わう: ajiwau: taste (v.)
味を見る: ajiomiru: taste, try <<< 味見
味を付ける: ajiotsukeru: flavor (v.), season, give a flavor [relish] (to) <<<
味を占める: ajioshimeru: be encouraged [emboldened] by <<<
味を覚える: ajiooboeru: acquire a taste for it <<<

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: call
呼: aa: a sigh
呼ぶ: yobu: call (v.)
呼び上げる: yobiageru: call out [up], call the roll <<<
呼び集める: yobiatsumeru: call [summon] together, muster
呼び出す: yobidasu: call [ring] (a person) up, summon
呼び返す: yobikaesu: call back, recall, call [order] (a person) home <<<
呼び掛ける: yobikakeru: call to (a person), speak to (a person), accost (a person), appeal to (the public) <<<
呼びに来る: yobinikuru: come [call] for (one), come and fetch <<<
呼びに遣る: yobiniyaru: send (a person) for <<<
呼びに行く: yobiniiku: go for, go to (and) fetch (person) <<<
呼び起こす: yobiokosu: wake up, awaken, rouse, call (a matter) to mind [memory], recollect, remind (a person) of (a matter) <<<
呼び止める: yobitomeru: call to (a person) to stop, challenge
呼び付ける: yobitsukeru: summon <<<
呼び寄せる: yobiyoseru: call (a person) to (one), summon, call together, assemble, send for <<<
synonyms: , コール

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: negation, blame, censure, slander, libel
非: hi: wrong, vice, misdeed, blame, defect, error, fault, mistake
非を鳴らす: hionarasu: denounce (a person), criticize, cry against <<<
非の打ち所がない: hinouchidokoroganai: have no fault to find with, be perfectly faultless
非る: soshiru: blame (a person for), censure (a person for), speak ill of (a person), slander, abuse, libel, cast a stigma (on) <<<
非ず: arazu: not, no
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 8
translation: object, item, affair, substance, quality, stuff
butsu, motsu, mochi
物: mono: object, item, affair, substance, quality, stuff, speech (jp.)
物が良い: monogaii, monogayoi: be of good quality <<<
物が悪い: monogawarui: be of bad [poor] quality <<<
物が分かる: monogawakaru: have good sense, be sensible <<<
物にする: mononisuru: obtain, come by, secure, master, have a good command of <<< , マスター
物に成る: mononinaru: come into one's possession, materialize, become a somebody <<<
物に成らない: mononinaranai: be good for nothing, be unpromising, be a failure <<<
物を言う: monooiu, monooyuu: say, speak for itself, tell, count
物ともしない: monotomoshinai: think [make] nothing of, care nothing for, defy
物ともせず: monotomosezu: in the teeth of, in the defiance of
物の数でない: mononokazudenai: be insignificant, count for nothing <<<
物凄い: monosugoi: ghastly, lurid, dreadful, terrible, frightful <<<
物足りない: monotarinai: be unsatisfactory, leave something to be desired, ne dissatisfied [discontented] (with), feel as if something were missing <<<
物す: monosu: exist (jp.), go
check also

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: religion    nb of strokes: 8
translation: sense, idea, feeling, desire
念じる: nenjiru: pray, have [keep] (a matter) in mind <<<
念を押す: nennoosu: call (a person's) attention, repeatedly (to), remind (a person of) <<<
念を入れる: nennoireru: pay attention (to), be careful (of, to do) <<<
念の為: nennnotame: in order to make sure, by way of precaution <<<
念う: omou: think <<<
念える: tonaeru: recite <<<

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