Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'an'

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Direct access: 喧騒 , 建築 , 幻影 , 幻想 , 好機 , 貢献 , 恍惚 , 口座 , 口実 , 口上


pronunciation: kensou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: town   
translation: noise, clamor, din
喧騒の: kensouno: blatant, clamorous, noisy
喧騒を極める: kensouokiwameru: make a great noise, be in an uproar <<<
喧騒を窮める: kensouokiwameru <<<
喧騒の巷: kensounochimata: noisy town <<<


pronunciation: kenchiku   kanji characters: ,    keyword: art , construction   
translation: architecture, building, construction
建築する: kenchikusuru: build, construct, erect
建築中: kenchikuchuu: under construction <<<
建築費: kenchikuhi: construction [building] costs <<<
建築物: kenchikubutsu: an edifice, building <<<
建築学: kenchikugaku: architecture <<<
建築家: kenchikuka: architect <<<
建築技師: kenchikugishi <<< 技師
建築士: kenchikushi: registered architect <<<
建築法: kenchikuhou: building regulations <<<
建築業: kenchikugyou: building industry <<<
建築業者: kenchikugyousha: builder, building contractor <<< 業者
建築会社: kenchikugaisha: building company <<< 会社
建築工事: kenchikukouji: construction work <<< 工事
建築様式: kenchikuyoushiki: style of building, architecture <<< 様式
check also 建物 , 建設


pronunciation: gennei   kanji characters: ,   
translation: phantom, vision
幻影の: genneino: hallucinatory, visionary
幻影を追う: genneioou: be lured by an illusion <<<
幻影を抱く: genneioidaku <<<
check also 錯覚


pronunciation: gensou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: psychology   
translation: fantasy, vision, illusion
幻想に耽る: gensounihukeru: cherish an illusion <<<
幻想的: gensouteki: fantastic, visionary, illusory <<<
幻想曲: gensoukyoku: fantasia, fantasy <<<
check also 空想


pronunciation: kouki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: good [favorable, golden] opportunity, good chance [occasion]
好機を逸する: koukioissuru: miss [lose] a chance [a good opportunity] <<<
好機を捕える: koukiotoraeru: seize an opportunity [a good occasion], take time by the forelock <<<
好機を待つ: koukiomatsu: wait for an good opportunity <<<
好機到来: koukitourai: Now's chance <<< 到来
check also 機会 , チャンス


pronunciation: kouken   kanji characters: ,    keyword: job   
translation: contribution, service
貢献する: koukensuru: contribute (to), make a (great) contribution (to), render services (to, for), do a great deal (for)
貢献度: koukendo: how one contributes (to), an extent to which one makes contribution (to) <<<


pronunciation: koukotsu   kanji characters:   
translation: fascination, ecstasy, rapture, trance
恍惚とさせる: koukotsutosaseru: charm, enrapture, enchant, fascinate
恍惚とする: koukotsutosuru: be enraptured [charmed, enchanted]
恍惚として: koukotsutoshite: in an ecstasy, in raptures, in a trance, spellbound
恍惚の人: koukotsunohito, <<<


pronunciation: kouza   kanji characters: ,    keyword: bank   
translation: (bank) account
口座を開く: kouzaohiraku: open an account <<<
口座番号: kouzabangou: account number <<< 番号


pronunciation: koujitsu   kanji characters: ,   
translation: pretext, pretension, disguise, plea, excuse (n.)
口実にする: koujitsunisuru: give as a pretext
口実にして: koujitsunishite: on [under] the plea [pretext, pretense] of
口実を設ける: koujitsuomoukeru: find [make] a pretext [an excuse] of <<<
口実を作る: koujitsuotsukuru <<<
口実を見つける: koujitsuomitsukeru <<<
口実を探す: koujitsuosagasu: look for a pretext <<<
口実を与える: koujitsuoataeru: give pretexts <<<
check also 理屈


pronunciation: koujou   kanji characters: ,   
translation: (verbal) message, statement, prologue
口上: koujoude: verbally, orally, by word of mouth
口上を述べる: koujouonoberu: deliver a (verbal) message [prologue] <<<
口上書: koujousho: verbal note <<<
逃げ口上: nigekoujou: excuse, subterfuge <<<
逃げ口上を言う: nigekoujouoiu, nigekoujouoyuu: give an evasive answer, offer an excuse (for), quibble <<<

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