Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'it'

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Direct access: 情報 , 挙句 , 足下 , 一体 , 何時 , 今更 , 因果 , 大雪 , 大凡 , 快晴


pronunciation: jouhou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: computer   
translation: information, news, intelligence, report
情報を得る: jouhouoeru: get information (about, on, concerning), get a line (on) <<<
情報を与える: jouhouoataeru: give information (about, on, concerning), give a line (on) <<<
情報を提供する: jouhouoteikyousuru <<< 提供
情報源: jouhougen: source of information <<<
情報誌: jouhoushi: news letter <<<
情報部: jouhoubu: information bureau <<<
情報機関: jouhoukikan: secret service <<< 機関
情報産業: jouhousangyou: information industry <<< 産業
情報科学: jouhoukagaku: information science <<< 科学
情報工学: jouhoukougaku: information technology, IT <<< 工学
情報処理: jouhoushori: information [data] processing <<< 処理
情報理論: jouhouriron: information theory <<< 理論
情報交換: jouhoukoukan: information exchange, sharing of information <<< 交換
情報化: jouhouka: informationalization, computerization <<<
情報化社会: jouhoukashakai: informationalized [information-oriented] society <<< 社会


pronunciation: ageku   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 挙げ句, 揚句  
translation: final phrase (of a Japanese poem)
挙句の果てに: agekunohateni: in the end, finally, at last, on top its all***** <<<


pronunciation: ashimoto   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 足元, 足許  
translation: gait, step
足下に: ashimotoni: at one's feet
足下を見る: ashimotoomiru: take [mean] advantage of <<<
足下に付込む: ashimotonitsukekomu
足下が明るい内に: ashimotogaakaruiuchini: before it gets dark [is too late]
足下が危ない: ashimotogaabunai: have an unsteady gait <<<


pronunciation: ittai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one body, in fact, really, properly speaking, (what, who, where) on earth [in the world], (what) the hell [deuce]
一体に: ittaini: generally (speaking), on the whole, as a rule
一体と成って: ittaitonatte: in a body, together <<<
一体如何したのだ: ittaidoushitanoda: What is it all about? What the deuce is the matter? <<< 如何
一体化: ittaika: unification <<<
一体化する: ittaikasuru: unify
一体感: ittaikan: sense of togetherness <<<
check also 団結


pronunciation: itsu, nanji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: when, what time
何時も: itsumo: always, usually, habitually
何時でも: itsudemo: any time
何時だって: itsudatte
何時から: itsukara: from what time, since when, how long
何時か: itsuka: some time, some day, one of these days, once, at one time, before, the other day
何時に: nanjini: at what time
何時の間にか: itsunomanika: before one knows, unawares, unnoticed <<<
何時の間に: itsunomani
何時迄も: itsumademo: forever, permanently <<<
何時頃: itsugoro: about what time <<<
今何時ですか: imananjidesuka: What time is it? Have you got the time? <<<


pronunciation: imasara   kanji characters: ,    keyword: time   
translation: now, after so long a time, when it is too late
今更仕方が無い: imasarashikataganai: It can't be helped now
今更仕様が無い: imasarashiyouganai, imasarashouganai
今更出来ない: imasaradekinai <<< 出来


pronunciation: inga   kanji characters: ,    keyword: buddhism   
translation: cause and effect, fate, ill luck, misfortune, karma
因果な: ingana: unfortunate, unlucky, fatal
因果な子: inganako: unfortunate child <<<
因果な事には: inganakotoniha: as ill luck would have it, to make matters worse <<<
因果と諦める: ingatoakirameru: resign oneself to one's fate <<<
因果を含める: ingaohukumeru: persuade (a person) to accept the inevitable <<<
因果律: ingaritsu: law of cause and effect <<<
因果関係: ingakankei: casualty, casual relation <<< 関係
因果応報: ingaouhou: retribution, nemesis
check also 運命 , 不運


pronunciation: ooyuki   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: heavy snow [snowfall]
大雪が降る: ooyukigahuru: it snows hard [heavily] <<<
antonyms: 小雪


pronunciation: ooyoso   kanji characters: ,   
translation: about, nearly, in round number, around, quite, entirely, (not) at all
大凡の: ooyosono: rough, approximate
大凡の数: ooyosonokazu: approximate number <<<
大凡の所: ooyosonotokoro: taking it by and large, roughly speaking <<<
大凡の見積: ooyosonomitsumori: rough estimate <<< 見積


pronunciation: kaisei   kanji characters: ,    keyword: weather   
translation: fine [fair] weather
快晴です: kaiseidesu: It is very fine.

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