Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'do'

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Direct access: 曖昧 , 悪事 , 編物 , 暗算 , 悪戯 , 一生 , 一歩 , 依頼 , 営業 , 英語


pronunciation: aimai  
translation: vagueness, ambiguity
曖昧な: aimaina: vague, ambiguous, obscure, equivocal, evasive, unreliable, uncertain, noncommittal, sibylline
曖昧な言訳をする: aimainaiiwakeosuru: give a vague [an equivocal] explanation <<< 言訳
曖昧な態度を取る: aimainataidootoru: assume an uncertain [a dubious] attitude (toward), do not commit oneself
曖昧に: aimaini: vaguely, ambiguously
曖昧に言う: aimainiiu: speak ambiguously, equivocate, beat about [around] the bush <<<
synonyms: 不確か


pronunciation: akuji   kanji characters: ,    keyword: crime   
translation: crime, wrong act, evil
悪事を働く: akujiohataraku: commit a crime, do evil <<<
check also 犯行


pronunciation: amimono   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 編み物   keyword: fabric   
translation: knitting, knitwork, crochet
編物をする: amimonoosuru: knit (v.), do knitting
編物機: amimonoki: knitting machine <<<
編物機械: amimonokikai <<< 機械


pronunciation: anzan   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: mental arithmetic
暗算する: anzansuru: calculate mentally, do the sum in one's head


pronunciation: itazura   kanji characters: ,    keyword: amusement   
translation: mischief, practical joke, prank
悪戯な: itazurana: mischievous, naughtily, roguish
悪戯っぽい: itazurappoi
悪戯に: itazurani: for fun, for amusement, out of mischief
悪戯する: itazurasuru: play a trick [prank] (on), do mischief, play with, tamper with, molest (a woman)
悪戯書き: itazuragaki: graffiti, scribble (n.), scrawl, scrabble <<<
悪戯書きする: itazuragakisuru: scribble (v.), scrawl
悪戯着: itazuragi: rompers, play suit <<<
悪戯者: itazuramono: joker, wag, banterer, funster, jester, prankster <<<
悪戯っ子: itazurakko: rascal, scallywag, scalawag, urchin <<<
悪戯小僧: itazurakozou: mischievous [naughty] boy, urchin <<< 小僧
悪戯半分に: itazurahanbunnni: half in fun <<< 半分
悪戯電話: itazuradenwa: prank calls <<< 電話
synonyms: 冗談


pronunciation: isshou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: life   
translation: one's whole life, all [through] one's life
一生の: isshouno: lifelong
一生の間に: isshounoaidani: in [during] one's lifetime <<<
一生を通じて: isshouotsuujite <<<
一生の誤り: isshounoayamari: greatest mistake in one's life <<<
一生の間違い: isshounomachigai <<< 間違
一生の仕事: isshounoshigoto: lifework <<< 仕事
一生を捧げる: isshouosasageru: devote one's life to <<<
一生懸命に: isshoukenmeini: with all one's might [strength], very hard, for life, desperately, whole-heartedly <<< 懸命
一生懸命にやる: isshoukenmeiniyaru: do one's best, make a desperate effort


pronunciation: ippo   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one step
一歩進む: ipposusumu: take a step forward <<<
一歩退く: ipposhirizoku: take a step back <<< 退
一歩譲る: ippoyuzuru: yield a step <<<
一歩も譲らない: ippomoyuzuranai: do not yield an inch
一歩も引かない: ippomohikanai <<<
第一歩: daiippo: the first step <<<
一歩一歩: ippoippo: step by step, by degrees


pronunciation: irai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: request, trust, commission
依頼する: iraisuru: ask [request] a person to do, entrust, commission (v.), depend [rely] upon, turn to
依頼により: irainiyori: at a person's request
依頼に応じる: irainioujiru: grant a person's request <<<
依頼通りに: iraidoorini: as requested <<<
依頼人: irainin: client (of a lawyer) <<<
依頼状: iraijou: letter of request <<<
依頼書: iraisho <<<
依頼心: iraishin: lack of self-reliance <<<
synonyms: 要請 , 委任


pronunciation: eigyou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: business , office   
translation: business, trade
営業する: eigyousuru: do [carry on] business, trade [deal] in, make a business of
営業中: eigyouchuu: open (office is) <<<
営業所: eigyousho: place of business, office <<<
営業税: eigyouzei: business tax <<<
営業主: eigyounushi: business proprietor [owner] <<<
営業費: eigyouhi: business [working, operating, running] expenses <<<
営業部: eigyoubu: business department <<<
営業日: eigyoubi: working day <<<
営業案内: eigyouannnai: business guide <<< 案内
営業禁止: eigyoukinshi: business prohibition <<< 禁止
営業時間: eigyoujikan: business [office] hours <<< 時間
営業資本: eigyoushihon: working capital <<< 資本
営業免許: eigyoumenkyo: franchise <<< 免許
営業妨害: eigyoubougai: interference with (another's) business <<< 妨害
営業秘密: eigyouhimitsu: business secret <<< 秘密


pronunciation: eigo   kanji characters: ,    keyword: education , grammar   
translation: English (language)
英語を話す: eigoohanasu: speak English <<<
英語で話す: eigodehanasu: speak in English
英語話せますか: eigohanasemasuka: Can you speak English?
英語解りますか: eigowakarimasuka: Do you understand English? <<<
英語で書く: eigodekaku: write in English <<<
英語に訳す: eigoniyakusu: translate to English <<<
英語が巧い: eigogaumai: be good at English, be proficient in English <<<
英語が出来る: eigogadekiru <<< 出来
英語学: eigogaku: Anglistics, study of English, English linguistics <<<
英語学者: eigogakusha: Anglicist, English scholar, specialist of English <<< 学者
英語の先生: eigonosensei: teacher of English, English teacher <<< 先生
英語の教師: eigonokyoushi <<< 教師
英語国民: eigokokumin: Anglo-Saxon, English-speaking people <<< 国民

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