Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'bes'

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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: negation, blame, censure, slander, libel
非: hi: wrong, vice, misdeed, blame, defect, error, fault, mistake
非を鳴らす: hionarasu: denounce (a person), criticize, cry against
非の打ち所がない: hinouchidokoroganai: have no fault to find with, be perfectly faultless*****
非る: soshiru: blame (a person for), censure (a person for), speak ill of (a person), slander, abuse, libel, cast a stigma (on)
非ず: arazu: not, no
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: business    nb of strokes: 8
translation: object, item, affair, substance, quality, stuff
butsu, motsu, mochi
物: mono: object, item, affair, substance, quality, stuff, speech (jp.)
物が良い: monogaii, monogayoi: be of good quality*****
物が悪い: monogawarui: be of bad [poor] quality
物が分かる: monogawakaru: have good sense, be sensible <<<
物にする: mononisuru: obtain, come by, secure, master, have a good command of <<< , マスター
物に成る: mononinaru: come into one's possession, materialize, become a somebody <<<
物に成らない: mononinaranai: be good for nothing, be unpromising, be a failure <<<
物を言う: monooiu, monooyuu: say, speak for itself, tell, count
物ともしない: monotomoshinai: think [make] nothing of, care nothing for, defy
物ともせず: monotomosezu: in the teeth of, in the defiance of
物の数でない: mononokazudenai: be insignificant, count for nothing
物凄い: monosugoi: ghastly, lurid, dreadful, terrible, frightful <<<
物足りない: monotarinai: be unsatisfactory, leave something to be desired, ne dissatisfied [discontented] (with), feel as if something were missing
物す: monosu: exist (jp.), go
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category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: agree, understand, accord
協う: kanau: agree, be understood*****

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 8
translation: stretch, extend, lengthen, spread
延びる: nobiru: extend (vi.), lengthen, stretch, spread, be put off, be postponed, be prolonged, be straightened, be flattened, become smooth*****
延べる: noberu: stretch out, extend (vt.), lengthen, straighten, flatten
延ばす: nobasu
延く: hiku: lay down, pull
延べ: nobe: total (jp.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: advertisement    nb of strokes: 8
translation: spread, extend, expand, enlarge, widen, unfold, diffuse, propagate
拡がる: hirogaru: spread (vi.), extend, expand
拡まる: hiromaru: spread (vi.), diffuse, circulate, be widespread [circulated, diffused, propagated], get [take] wind*****
拡げる: hirogeru: spread (vt.), extend, expand, enlarge, widen, open, unfold
拡める: hiromeru: spread (vt.), diffuse, make known, propagate, make popular, advertise, announce

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: job , transport    nb of strokes: 8
translation: load, carry
担う: ninau: shoulder (v.), carry (a load) on one's shoulders
担ぐ: katsugu: shoulder (v.), carry [have] (a thing) on one's shoulder [back], be superstitious, deceive (jp.), hoax, take (a person) in, play a trick (on)*****

category: to learn in school   radicals:    nb of strokes: 8
translation: direct, immediate, value
choku, jiki, chi
直ちに: tadachini: at once, immediately, instantly, directly, in no time, soon, right away, on the spot
直ぐ: sugu: immediately, instantly, easily, readily, just, right
直ぐ怒る: suguokoru, suguikaru: be easily offended*****
直ぐ信じる: sugushinjiru: be too ready to believe, be too credulous <<<
直ぐ分る: suguwakaru: easily understandable <<<
直ぐ近くの: suguchikakuno: near at hand <<<
直たる: ataru: correspond, value (v.)
直たい: atai: value (n.)
直す: naosu: repair (jp.), mend (vt.), rectify <<<
直る: naoru: be repaired (jp.), be mended
直し: naoshi: reparation (jp.)
直: hita: serious (jp.)

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: finance , material    nb of strokes: 8
translation: metal, gold, money
kin, kon
金: kane: metal, money
金: kogane: gold
金の: kaneno: metal, metallic, pecuniary, monetary
金に成る: kaneninaru: profitable, paying, lucrative <<<
金が有る: kanegaaru: have a lot of money
金が無い: kaneganai: have no money, be short [in want] of money, be hard up***** <<<
金が掛かる: kanegakakaru: be expensive, cost money <<<
金に困る: kanenikomaru: be hard pressed for money, be in financial trouble <<<
金を使う: kaneotsukau: spend money (on) <<< 使
金を儲ける: kaneomoukeru: make [earn, win] money
金を稼ぐ: kaneokasegu <<<
金を出す: kaneodasu: pay for, contribute money to, invest in, finance
金を払う: kaneoharau: pay, settle
金を貯める: kaneotameru: save up, save money <<<
synonyms: マネー , ゴールド

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: geography    nb of strokes: 8
translation: place, spot, locality, district, site, scene, room, space, point, feature, part, passage, thing, time, moment, case, occasion
所: tokoro
所が: tokoroga: but, however, on the contrary, while
所で: tokorode: well, now, by the way
所構わず: tokorokamawazu: all over, indiscriminately, everywhere, no matter where one is <<<
所嫌わず: tokorokirawazu
所に依っては: tokoroniyotteha: in some places <<<
所を得る: tokorooeru: be in place***** <<<
所を得ない: tokorooenai: be out of place <<<
所変われば品変わる: tokorokawarebashinakawaru: So many countries so many customs, Every country has its own customs

category: to learn in school   radicals:    keyword: time    nb of strokes: 8
translation: begin, start, outset, commence, opening, origin
始め: hajime: beginning, start (n.), outset, commence, opening, origin
始まり: hajimari
始める: hajimeru: begin (vt.), start, commence, open, set up, set out, initiate
始まる: hajimaru: begin (vi.), start, commence, open, date from, be opened, break out*****
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