Online Japanese dictionary of Kanji words: translation of 'as'

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Direct access: , , , 朝飯 , 案内 , 言訳 , 以下 , 以上 , 一体 , 依頼

category: JIS1   radicals:    keyword: greeting    nb of strokes: 18
translation: wear, covered, crowned, have a person as (leader)
戴く: itadaku: wear, be covered [crowned] with, have a person as (leader), receive (jp., pol.), accept, have, eat, drink, have (a person) do, have (a person, a matter) done, beg (a person) to do, ask
戴きます: itadakimasu: thank you for the dinner (should be said before eating)
戴いた: itadaita: covered, crowned, received (pol.)

category:    radicals:    keyword: crime    nb of strokes: 7
translation: decoy, call bird, lure
囮: otori
囮に使う: otorinitsukau: employ as a decoy <<< 使

category: JIS2   radicals:    nb of strokes: 10
translation: arbitrage, waywardness
恣: hoshiimama
恣な: hoshiimamana: arbitrary, despotic, wayward
恣に: hoshiimamani: at will [pleasure], as one likes


pronunciation: asameshi   kanji characters: ,    keyword: food   
translation: breakfast
朝飯を食べる: asameshiotaberu: have breakfast <<<
朝飯を済ます: asameshiosumasu: finish one's breakfast <<<
朝飯の時に: asameshinotokini: at breakfast <<<
朝飯前: asameshimae: easy as a child's play <<<
synonyms: 朝食


pronunciation: annnai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: travel   
translation: guidance, guide (n.), information
案内する: annnaisuru: guide (v.), act as a guide, show, usher (v.)
案内所: annnaisho: information bureau, inquiry office <<<
案内状: annnaijou: information [invitation] card <<<
案内人: annnainin: (tourist) guide, usher (n.) <<<
案内係: annnaigakari <<<
案内書: annnaisho: guidebook <<<
check also ガイド


pronunciation: iiwake   kanji characters: ,    other spells: 言い訳  
translation: explanation, excuse, plea, apology
言訳に: iiwakeni: as an excuse
言訳する: iiwakesuru: make an excuse [apology], excuse [explain] oneself
言訳を言う: iiwakeoiu <<<
言訳を考える: iiwakeokangaeru: cook up [think out] an excuse <<<
言訳が立たない: iiwakegatatanai: be inexcusable <<<
言訳の手紙: iiwakenotegami: letter of apology <<< 手紙
check also 弁解 , 申訳


pronunciation: ika   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: below, under, less than, beneath, the following, as follows
以下の如し: ikanogotoshi: as mentioned below, as following, as follows <<<
以下の様に: ikanoyouni <<<
以下同様: ikadouyou: and so forth <<< 同様
以下次号: ikajigou: To be continued
以下省略: ikashouryaku: The rest is omitted <<< 省略
check also 以上


pronunciation: ijou   kanji characters: ,    keyword: mathematics   
translation: above, beyond, more than, over
以上の如く: ijounogotoku: as mentioned above, as we have seen <<<
以上に: ijouni: hereinbefore, more than
二つ以上: hutatsuijou: more than one, too or more <<<
した以上は: shitaijouha: since, now that
check also 未満 , 以下


pronunciation: ittai   kanji characters: ,   
translation: one body, in fact, really, properly speaking, (what, who, where) on earth [in the world], (what) the hell [deuce]
一体に: ittaini: generally (speaking), on the whole, as a rule
一体と成って: ittaitonatte: in a body, together <<<
一体如何したのだ: ittaidoushitanoda: What is it all about? What the deuce is the matter? <<< 如何
一体化: ittaika: unification <<<
一体化する: ittaikasuru: unify
一体感: ittaikan: sense of togetherness <<<
check also 団結


pronunciation: irai   kanji characters: ,    keyword: law   
translation: request, trust, commission
依頼する: iraisuru: ask [request] a person to do, entrust, commission (v.), depend [rely] upon, turn to
依頼により: irainiyori: at a person's request
依頼に応じる: irainioujiru: grant a person's request <<<
依頼通りに: iraidoorini: as requested <<<
依頼人: irainin: client (of a lawyer) <<<
依頼状: iraijou: letter of request <<<
依頼書: iraisho <<<
依頼心: iraishin: lack of self-reliance <<<
synonyms: 要請 , 委任

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